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mp4 | HEVC: 1280×720 | Audio:AAC LC 128 Kbps | Total files:42 | 2.44 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
How The Ziva Technique Changes Your Brain
You’ll learn The 3 M’s. Mindfulness, to get rid of your stress in the present, Meditation to get rid of your stress from the past, and Manifesting to help with your goals for the future.
Mindfulness helps deal with stress in the present moment. In it you are directing your focus which lights up a small part of the brain (the Prefrontal cortex.) Over time this can improve your clarity and focus.
MeditationMeditation gives the body deep, healing rest to get rid of stress from the past. The technique is one of surrender which lights up the whole brain, but not as brightly as mindfulness. Over time, meditation strengthens the corpus callosum.
ManifestingManifesting helps you create your goals for the future. This practice helps you clarify your goals and activates the creative center of the brain, also known as the right brain.
Meditation That Works – Ever felt like a failure because you couldn’t clear your mind? Tried and quit? Ziva can help.
Ways to LearnRelieve stress, sleep better, perform at the top of your game
Learn The Ziva Technique in 15-day online training
Access monthly group coaching calls with Emily
Get support in our private zivaONLINE Community
Get 7 free guided audios and tons of bonus content
6 months of access with option to extend
Graduate with a practice you can do on your own for life.Radically reduce stress and step into your full potential
Get THE most powerful meditation training available
Learn The Ziva Technique in person with Emily
Get support in our private zivaFAMILY Community
Lifetime access to monthly group meditations and refresher sessions
zivaLIVE courses happen 15x/year in NYC and LA
Graduate with a practice you can do on your own for life.Exclusively for graduates of zivaLIVE or zivaONLINE
Akin to getting your Master’s degree’in Life
Foundation training plus 7 robust intensives to uplevel your Relationships, Brain, Body, Time, Money, Performance + Creativity and Purpose
33 hours of training with Emily and 8 world-class experts
Access to 8 Mastermind discussions
Syllabus, reading lists, and many recommended resourcesGET STARTED
Ready to Stress Less?Download a guided meditation to melt stress and boost your confidence in minutes, inspired by the teachings in Emily’s bestselling book, Stress Less, Accomplish More.
Full body scan
Muscle melting visualization
Energizing pep talk
The Stress Less Guided meditation does what wine, baths, and exercise can’t do:
Relax your breathing, lower your blood pressure, and get clarity in minutes.
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