Vin DiCarlo – Mastermind Vault



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Vin DiCarlo – Mastermind Vault “The Fool-proof Guide to Physical Escalation Without Any Resistance”

Women offer you windows of opportunity that they want you to seize and make your move in.

They basically TELL you when, where, and how hard to sleep with them! Heartwork and Matt tell you exactly how to recognize and capitalize on them.

Most guys nowadays are their own worst enemies. They’re worried they should start slow if they want to turn this girl into a girlfriend down the road. They think they will have more success if they talk to a girl indirectly and don’t let her know they’re interested until its safe. They’re worried about coming across creepy or sleazy.

They don’t understand that these thoughts are BULLSHIT!

These limiting beliefs hinder you, but can be transformed into beneficial affirmations, pumping you up every time you get scared, and this call will tell you how to do that with one simple mental exercise.

This call goes over how to turn classmates from Facebook or Myspace into potential girlfriends with tools you can copy and paste for multiple women, or even how to seduce girls in your current social circle, without having to fear any social repercussions!

And of course, the cues women give you that let you know when to get more physical, according to her own internal clock, explained along with how to take advantage of them most effectively. It is IMPOSSIBLE to escalate wrongly if you pay attention to the cues laid out in this call.

If you’re looking to get physical with women without risking a slip-up, here’s your protective cup for physical escalation. Grab your balls and make sure you use protection against rug-burn.

Vin DiCarlo – Mastermind Vault “Induction into The Society: Discover The Secrets From The Masters”

Welcome to the best times of your life.
This is the orientation call for the new recruits of the Mastermind Program.

Meet the Mastermind trainers and students, successful seducers with technical knowledge and insights bordering on top-secret.

When I started out discovering about how to pick-up women, the very first thing I did was get a mentor I could discover from. Then I got another. And another. Then came the penis enlargement.

This call introduces you to your 6 new mentors and 10 new classmates, who will help you quantum leap your game from shabby to chique, without gay guys scrounging through your closet.

This orientation call also features a guide to “punchy question openers”, the ONLY way to talk to any woman anywhere with literally NO effort or risk!

This way of opening women is so effective, it creates Intrigue and Ambiguity right off the bat, making opening ridiculously easy and piquing her interest right away, never mind wetting her panties.

This call also features an excerpt from Vin’s personal black-book for picking up women on the street during the day, explaining how to stop women on the street dead in their tracks, or approach women seated in a coffee shop; even turning a simple “Hello” into an instant date, and potentially another girlfriend.

There is way too much information in this first call to cover in detail, and this wouldn’t be the first time we’ve had to take calls down because of angry emails.

Vin DiCarlo – Mastermind Vault “Ten Forgotten Secrets to Picking Up Girls With Their Mothers”

One of the hardest things for men looking to get good with women is discovering to live in the moment and stop planning out what they’re going to say next, or worry about her reaction to the joke they just made, because none of it matters.

Orleans talks about living in the here and now, and its immediate effects to stop you from losing yourself in the game, allowing you get noticeable, quantifiable results fast.

I’m talking “cheetah on adderall running the Daytona 500” fast.

Ever see a gorgeous women walking down the street and be too nervous to approach because she’s with her mother? Not anymore!

This call also has the story of a successful approach on both a mother and daughter, and breaks it down further, showing you how to approach any parent / daughter duo with confidence, integrity, and to leave the interaction with the mother BEGGING you to do all sorts of naughty things to her daughter you couldn’t even think of!

Putting it all together with an icing chapter on how to seduce any college concubine, you’ll be ready to for move-in day in time for next semester. Make sure to pack your paddle for those naughty school girls. Time’s ticking down on this one. Get it while you can.

Vin DiCarlo – Mastermind Vault “The Reason Hot Women Go To Five Specific Places During The Day.”

Everyone’s looked back on a conversation with a woman and hit themselves on the back of the head because of what they did, and more often, didn’t do.

Have you ever felt the need to apologize for something you just said or did?

I know from personal experience that, even though some guru is promoting it, the line “did your mother pick those clothes out?” isn’t going to end with her in your bed.

You’re spending too much time “in your head”, worrying instead of doing. It’s a common occurrence, and the reason that we love to watch “The Pickup Artist” on VH1, instead of actually going out and talking to women.

In this call, Rewok and Sean go over how to stay present and in the moment, regardless of the situation. Be calm and concise, even while three strippers are ripping your clothes off.. in a chocolate sauce pool.

Never be embarrassed of something you said or did, ever again. Never worry if a woman likes you, or even if she’s interested. because you’ll KNOW for 100% sure.

While you’re completely present in the moment, you may start noticing that during the day, there are thousands of hot women, just going about their daily lives. You know, shopping for boy shorts and Victoria Secret bras. if only life were as good as the commercials.

If you’ve never tried out these SPECFIC venues for day game, then you’re missing out on a goldmine of opportunity.

Even while you’re shopping, or going about your errands, women who work at retail stores are hired because of their enjoyable appearance and personality.

Why not take advantage of that fact?

This call also goes over how to correctly pick-up “hired guns”, and the correct way to steer clear of the one main mistake ALL guys make when hitting on beautiful women who are busy working.

Every day you pass up hundreds of opportunities to sleep with a gorgeous woman, so listen to this call before another one goes by.

Vin DiCarlo – Mastermind Vault “The Handful Of Everyday Topics Rumored To Never Allow Awkward Silences”

My best friend Mark was telling me the other day about how he always feels pressured to come up with new topics in conversations with women, and sometimes freezes up, unable to continue a conversation.

The women inevitably get bored and walk away, and Mark’s left there twiddling his thumbs and playing pocket pool, coming up with hundreds of topics he could’ve talked about in his mind. Sound familiar?

Even the most practiced seducer sometimes loses his conversational footing, but Heartwork has the solution. This call discusses come-back threads, pieces of discussion that ensure you’ll never get lost in a conversation again without a simple way to get back on track!

Almost absent-minded remarks that guarantee to get rid of stale exchanges or awkward silences.

He also reveals little known tricks to insert sexual innuendos into everyday conversation, and get women wondering about what you really meant, or whether that movie theater really WAS moist, warm, and orgasmic.

This call is packed with topics ranging from high-value movie star eye contact to mini-isolations that let you remove her from the group without them being able to object.

Never need to stumble on your words again. Always be smoother than a freshly shaved Don Juan moisturized with cocoa butter.

Vin DiCarlo – Mastermind Vault “Scandalous Ways To Ensure Every Woman Will Return Your Calls”

A woman not returning your calls or texts sucks.

Even worse is when you go through all the trouble to set up a date and she doesn’t even show! This call has the secrets on how to never have a woman flake ever again without her feeling guilty and begging to make it up.

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