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Tyler Tray – 7 Days Course To Meeting Women Online Description
$45.00 Original price was: $45.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Valentino Kohen – Invisible Game (2016)
$1,197.00 Original price was: $1,197.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Ultimate Orgasm Techniques DVD
$298.00 Original price was: $298.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Category: PUA Seduction
Name Product: Ultimate Orgasm Techniques
Download Size: 599 MB
Here Are All The Proven Sex Techniques You’ll Ever Need To Give Your Woman Clitoral, Vaginal, Squirting, Multiple and Anal Orgasms… And Make Her Totally ADDICTED To Your Touch…
Dear friend who wants to sexually satisfy his woman,
Take a couple of seconds to answer these questions honestly for me:
Have you ever had sex with a woman and FAILED to give her an orgasm?
Have you ever felt unsure as to whether or not you were really satisfying a woman in bed?
Have you ever wondered if a woman you were sleeping with was ‘faking’ her orgasms?
Have you ever wondered how you compare to your woman’s previous lovers?
Have you ever spent a long time – 5, 10, 15 minutes or more TRYING to give a woman an orgasm, and still not succeeded?
Have you ever wanted sex and had your woman say “I’m not in the mood?”
Have you ever felt confused by all the contradictory mainstream sex advice about how to give women pleasure and mind-blowing ORGASMS?
If you’re anything like me when I first started figuring out how to give women incredibly powerful orgasms – you’ll have answered “YES” to at least one of those questions and quite possibly ALL of them.
And I know that if you answered “YES” to one or more of those questions you’re not one hundred per cent confident with women in the bedroom.
I also know that when you lack that total confidence in your ability to sexually satisfy women – it makes you feel like a bit less of a man.
No amount of money, power, athletic prowess, bulging biceps, ripped ‘abs’ or movie star good looks can make up for that feeling you get when you go to bed with a woman knowing that you don’t know how to SATISFY her.
It sucks.
And it takes the enjoyment out of having sex.
But there is good news …
It’s Possible To Quickly And Easily Give Your Woman Countless Orgasms …
The reality is that when you’re armed with the correct ORGASM TECHNIQUES, it’s entirely possible to quickly and easily give your woman countless orgasms…
It’s possible to give her not only the usual ‘clitoral’ orgasms, but also vaginal, multiple, squirting and anal orgasms too.
Imagine THAT.
Imagine giving your woman clitoral, vaginal, multiple, squirting and anal orgasms.
Better still… imagine giving her ALL those types of orgasms WHENEVER YOU LIKE, with very little effort required.
Do you think she’d be happy girl?
Of course she would.
Do you think you’d feel like THE MAN?
You betcha.
Do you think she’d have eyes for you and only you?
For sure.
Think about it…
Most average guys struggle to give their women a single clitoral orgasm during any ‘sexual session’. And even if they succeed in giving their women a single clitoral orgasm, that’s NOT enough to truly satisfy them.
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