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TTC Video Great World Religions Islam
Professor John L. Esposito | Video: TS Video 856×480 | Audio: AAC 44KHz | Duration: 06:06 Hours | Lec: 12 | 4.6 GB | Language: English | + Guidebook + AUDIOBOOK
This course will help you better understand Islam’s role as both a religion and a way of life
Islam today is the second largest and fastest-growing world religion, with majority populations in 56 countries spanning North Africa to Southeast Asia and significant minorities in Europe and the United States. Despite its more than 1.2 billion adherents, many in the West know little about the faith and are familiar only with the actions of a minority of radical extremists. Islam has had a significant impact on world affairs, both historically and in the contemporary era. Therefore, it is important to understand not only what it is that Muslims believe, but also how their beliefs are carried out both privately and publicly, both as individuals and as members of the Muslim community. We will see that Islam is not monolithic. Although Muslims share certain core beliefs, the practices, interpretations, images, and realities of Islam vary across time and space.
The focus of this course will be to better understand Islam?s role as a religion and as a way of life. In 12 lectures, moving from Muhammad to the present, from the 7th to the 21st centuries, we will explore Muslim beliefs, practices, and history in the context of its significance and impact on Muslim life and society through the ages, as well as world events today. Thus, we will want to know the answers to many questions, including “What do Muslims believe?” “Who was Muhammad?” “How do Muslims view Judaism and Christianity and other faiths?” as well as “What is jihad?” “Does the Quran condone terrorism?” “Is Islam compatible with modernization, capitalism, and democracy?” and “Are women second-class citizens in Islam?”
Course Lec Names :-
1. Islam Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
2. The Five Pillars of Islam
3. Muhammad-Prophet and Statesman
4. God’s Word-the Quranic Worldview
5. The Muslim Community-Faith and Politics
6. Paths to God-Islamic Law and Mysticism
7. Islamic Revivalism-Renewal and Reform
8. The Contemporary Resurgence of Islam
9. Islam at the Crossroads
10. Women and Change in Islam
11. Islam in the West
12. The Future of Islam
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