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Tripp Advice – What Women Want
$97.00 Original price was: $97.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Tripp Advice – Effortless Flirting
$47.00 Original price was: $47.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Category: PUA Seduction
Name Product: Tripp Advice – Effortless Flirting
Download Size: 289 MB
Sale Page: http://trippadvice.com/the-effortless-flirting/
Who else is sick and tired of the Friend Zone?
You spend weeks mustering the courage to approach an attractive woman. You stutter, struggle for words.
Finally—after an eternity—you tell her how you feel.
And what does she say?
“Oh…I just don’t like you that way.”
Or, “I…have a…boyfriend. Yeah.”
That’s if you’re lucky. Girls you meet at the bar aren’t nearly as forgiving…
Anyway, I was definitely fed up with the Friend Zone. As a matter of fact, I used to be terrible with girls.
I spent many sleepless nights racking my brain…
“Why the hell am I having so much trouble getting a girl interested? Why does my stomach flip inside out every time I open my mouth around a beautiful woman? What does that guy have that I don’t?”
Well, do you wanna know why—no matter how damn hard you try—the girl of your dreams just ain’t that into you?
Maybe it’s because…
You’re still slinging canned pickup lines you heard in a cheesy movie…
You fumble, stumble and trip over yourself trying to come up with something…ANYTHING…to say to a girl…
Women always tell you how nice you are instead of how hot you make them feel…
You think flirting is a big crap shoot that demands luck, looks and money…
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