Todd Valentine – 3 Girls A Day

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Discover The Sneaky Little System I Found
That Took Me From Shy Inexperienced Virgin
To Setting Up 3 Dates A Day On Hot
Online Dating Sites

Learn How To Secure More Dates, Sleep With More Women, And Find A Girlfriend Online Even If You’re Not ‘Traditionally Good

looking’, Super Charming, Or You’ve Had No ‘Luck’ At All For Years

Here’s just a sneak peek of what you’ll learn:

How to write clever profile headlines that grab attention instantly (girls will often message a guy solely because his

headline is funny and witty, even if he’s not usually her type)
4 topics you must avoid putting in your profile at ALL cost
11 profile descriptions that scream “cliche, I’m just like any other guy on here”
The Number #1 Rule to writing dating site profiles (ignore this at your own peril)
What you should and should not write in the “what type of girl am I looking for section”
How to know if your profile is accurately portraying your personality and attracting the girls you want to be with (3 key


The perfect number of photos to have in your profile (based off extensive real world testing)
4 things you can do to make your profile pictures amazing
3 things to keep out of your profile pictures that will kill response
The biggest mistake guys make that is the reason behind 90% of their rejections
The number one goal of the first 5-10 minutes of your conversation with a new girl
When to read her profile and when NOT to read her profile before sending a message
6 Hilarious Mass Messages I’ve Sent that got me crazy results overnight
4 Things your conversation starter must convey when directed at a super hot girl (8 or above)
The 4 General Categories Of Online Communication and Text, and how you should respond to each one
What to do when a girl doesn’t reply back to your first message
What to do when a girl stops replying back mid interaction
What to do when a girl goes silent after you asked her out
6 Ridiculous ways to challenge a girl (not to a duel, I mean how to put her on the spot so she knows you’re not the type

of guy who will take her shit)
4 Things you should NEVER do when a girl ‘tests’ you or acts bitchy
What to do when she says ‘no thanks’ to a sexual come on. I promise you, you’ll laugh out loud when you hear this and it

works like pure gold
The best way to time your text messages so you’re not coming off needy but you don’t blow opportunities either
The best time to ‘diss’ a girl online (do this at the wrong time and you’ll ruin perfectly good opportunities)
How many messages you should send out before you go for the number
5 message templates that you can use and customize to your own needs
The primary distinction between online messaging and text messaging (PLUS how to approach the two of them correctly)

My go-to first text right after I get her number (this punchy little line is funny, yet does its job of getting her to

save your number)
When to call and when NOT to call her after you got her number
A fun and engaging thing you can do with the girl to overcome the “who pays” problem
The best places to take a girl on a date (this isn’t some stupid journalist list, this is from my personal experience of

what dates worked out best and led to sex)
How to get a second date without giving up your power or coming off as needy
How to tell if a girl is ready to be kissed (plus how you should go for it without risking rejection)
How to set up the date to lead to sex
How to tell if she’s down for sex (sometimes, this is before the date even starts, so you can actually skip the date

altogether if you want to and go right into the bedroom)
8 First Date Pointers that will save you a lot of awkwardness and embarrassment and also get you laid twice as often
Dozens of real life breakdowns of my personal interactions, text messages, and first date accounts
And much much more!
What Are 3 Extra Dates A Day Worth To You?

I’ve spent over 4 years testing and tweaking my online game PLUS traveling around the world for 11 years studying the art

of female attraction (even giving up my university education to do so), so my coaching time is not cheap

I normally charge a minimum of $350/hr for just a phone consultation. Even more if it’s person to person

So if you take all 5 Hours of content and add that all up, thats about 45 hours of my time

That’s a total of over $15,000 dollars of just finalized course material. Material from a professional guy at this, who’s

done this for a living for over 14 years with the best dating company in the world

That’s not including the months of work I put into creating, editing, and producing the course itself

So realistically it’s actually worth A LOT more than $15K dollars

So charging $500 for the entire 3GAD program is an absolute steal

5 Hours of all my best kept secrets for meeting hot sexy stunners online

But I won’t charge you $500

Or $250

I’m letting this baby land on your hand for just $67 dollars (for the price of a coffee and movie date)

You’ll get more dates than you know what to do with, with real results tested on hundreds of guys already. You make the


PLUS… You’ll also get these 3 Limited Time
Bonuses Just For Taking Action Today

3 Recorded Phone Conversations
Get 3 additional real world phone conversations to model. You’ll see firsthand how I talk to girls on the phone to get

them attracted to me and wanting to meet up. I’ll point out the specific points in the interactions that matter MOST, so

you know exactly what to watch out for when you’re talking to your own girls

Hot Girl Perspectives Interview
Ever wonder what the girl is thinking about you when you’re talking to her online or on dates? I’ve invited a friend of

mine (a serious hottie), to spill the beans on what online dating is like FROM A GIRL’S PERSPECTIVE. You’ll learn what she

looks for when she’s browsing profiles, what kind of pictures grab her attention, what kind of messages get her

interested, the things guys do that TURN HER OFF immediately, what she’s looking for on a date, and so on…

This interview is worth the cost of the program itself, but you’re getting it FREE for taking action today

3 Girls A Day Reference Textbook
A Fast Reference Guide With All The Secrets, Lines, And Examples From The Main Course. Quickly glance through the

important theories and concepts, as well as the best lines and conversations that I’ve compiled for you. Worth its weight

in gold, but yours FREE when you order today

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