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The Leading Man – Relationship Management System
$97.00 Original price was: $97.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Category: PUA Seduction
Name Product: The Leading Man – Relationship Management System
Download Size: 680 MB
Author: Scot McKay
Sale Page: http://www.the-leading-man.com/
This system by Scot McKay explains how to start dating the women you’ve always wanted, on your own terms. It shows you how to attract high-quality women and keep them attracted.
Could it really be true that you can date as many women as you want to on your way to finding the one greatest woman you’ve ever met?
Can you really attract the highest-quality women on Earth and keep them attracted for as long as you choose?
Best of all, is it possible to lock down the “revolving door” of women in and out of your life and take back control of your dating destiny?
The answer to all of these questions is a resounding YES–and you’re about to discover exactly why…
BEYOND PICKUP AND SEDUCTION — Finally…discover how to handle what comes after “Day Two”. Be ready for “Day Three”, “Day Thirty”, or “Day Three Thousand”.
AUTHENTICITY THAT ATTRACTS — Forget about wondering “what to do next” ever again. Say goodbye to dependence on routines, openers, or other “crutches”.
ASSERT MASCULINITY — Be a real man who leads instead of a “social robot”, and watch how powerfully women respond. Develop a genuine, masculine presence that is literally like catnip to women.
UNDERSTAND WOMEN — Don’t believe the hype. Get inside a woman’s head and discover the shocking truth about what drives them.
DATE MULTIPLE WOMEN — This isn’t just about “getting the lay”. This is about knowing what you want, enjoying a life full of amazing women, and recognizing the best of the best when she arrives.
RESOLVE CONFLICT — Prevent arguments before they ever even happen. Deal with minor grievances before they balloon into unspoken bitterness on a massive scale.
GIVE YOURSELF REAL OPTIONS — No pressure to conform to someone else’s vision. Have the dating life you choose, with the goals to match–even if you truly want to find one great woman.
SKILLS WITH WOMEN THAT LAST FOREVER — Pickup techniquest have an “expiration date” with every woman you meet. Relationship management is an enduring skill set that reaps benefits for a lifetime…
TRUE CONTROL OVER YOUR DATING LIFE — Become the “chooser” instead of the “chaser”. Be with who you want, for as long as you want.
EARN RESPECT FROM WOMEN — Be a man who women trust and follow. End all the “power plays”.
ALWAYS KNOW WHERE YOU STAND — If you have to guess what’s on her mind, you can guess she won’t be sticking around for long…
FILL YOUR SCHEDULE WITH HIGH-QUALITY WOMEN — Forget going “back to the well” time after time in search of women who will ultimately disappoint you. Never go home lonely…again.
GET ONE GREAT WOMAN — Kiss the “revolving door” goodbye and make sure the greatest woman you’ve ever met is attracted to you instead of some other guy.
BE A MAN WHO LEADS — Have a plan and follow through. Never become like the “p-whipped” husband in a bad sitcom!
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