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The Art of Charm 30 Day Transformation (A J Harbinger & Jordan Harbinger)
Category: PUA Seduction
Art of Charm Homestudy Course
5.16 GB
SAME PRODUCT WITH: https://eshoptrip.com/product/a-j-harbinger-jordan-harbinger-the-art-of-charm-academy/
Many of you devote your time and financial resources to improving your outward appearance, but in the process, it’s easy to default to neglecting to invest that same amount of energy and resources toward improving your inner self. Sounds like a serious conflict of morals, right? After all, remember that sweet sentiment your mom so kindly recited when you came home from school, upset after being picked on for those super awkward and definitely embarrassing manifestations of puberty?
“It’s what’s on the inside that counts.”
You might think that sounds cheesy, but hear us out.
We’re all human, but if you’re being honest, can you deny you avoid facing what challenges are going on inside? It can be scary and intimidating to recognize and admit that you’re holding yourself back from your true potential. And as if you needed any more reason to avoid your internal challenges, doing a little internal analysis can also be an extremely uncomfortable. So now you’re definitely thinking, “Great, sign me up!” — right?!
Seriously, though — ask yourself how often you take the steps necessary to tackle your insecurities. Have you ever written down the personal issues that are holding you back in life? Have you even considered them long enough to be able to identify them?
What are you using as your current roadmap to guide yourself toward a healthier, happier, and more successful version of yourself?
This is where the Art of Charm free 30-day challenge comes into play.
What is the challenge?
The challenge is a free, structured course that provides a series of video lessons and real-world missions for you to start making life-changing improvements at a pace that’s comfortable for you. You’re going to learn how to step outside your comfort zone, so you can start connecting on a deeper level with the most important people in your life.
Art of Charm coaches AJ, and Johnny provide weekly Facebook LIVE sessions on topics that frequently surface in the group, giving you the opportunity to ask questions about the challenges you’re facing in real-time. They’ll present proven strategies for you to implement in your daily interactions, which have the power to expedite your transformation and truly change your life for the better.
The best part? You’ll be immersed within a community of like-minded people from all over the world who will act as a support network for sharing encouragement, resources, and advice.
What personal pain points does the challenge address?
You’re all on your own journey, but one thing is guaranteed: you’ll share, learn, and grow from others’ experiences and challenges as you confront your own. The Art of Charm coaches help tackle the toughest issues, including some of these most frequently-heard pain points.
* While the challenge will not make your pain points disappear overnight, it’s the first step in being able to identify your individual struggles and develop a structured game plan for tackling them, bit by bit.
Who is The Art of Charm?
The Art of Charm is a team of three lifestyle coaches devoted to helping you achieve your goals in relationships and business.
Jordan Harbinger, host of one of the top-downloaded podcasts on iTunes, with over 3.8 million downloads per month, works to uncover some of the biggest challenges people face when it comes to relationship building.
Whether you’re looking for help professionally, personally, or both, the Art of Charm team is constantly developing new techniques to help people overcome fear and insecurity and become their most confident self.
Coaches AJ Harbinger and Johnny Dzubak lead in-person bootcamp workshops in Los Angeles, where they dedicate their time to helping people improve social skills and overcome their anxieties.
Why Should You Trust Us?
In our 20s, we set out to discover what it takes to attract high-value people into our lives and become the life of the party!
By the time we hit our 30s, though, we realized there was more to life than just partying. We discovered we wanted deeper connections, not only in our social lives, but also in our careers. We wanted to have the confidence to talk to anyone, and we wanted to know how to ask our boss for a raise. (It can be pretty awkward, right?)
We noticed that by making some simple modifications to our body language and mindsets, we MAGICALLY STARTED TO CONNECT BETTER WITH EVERYONE!
But it wasn’t “magic” at all…
As it turns out, it has been scientifically proven that the types of psychological principles we were utilizing were to credit for our newfound confidence and ability to socialize and connect on a deeper level.
Successful people have been following the same rules and patterns since Dale Carnegie wrote, How to Win Friends and Influence People, but we realized the strategies that worked in the 1920s were not translating so seamlessly into the new millennium and were in need of an upgrade.
Our team has attended conferences, watched webinars, and even read all the books on how to start conversations and connect with people.
Imagine that!
We’ve seen what succeeds and what fails miserably, and it led us to design this challenge. We’re going to give you “the best of the best” in small, easily digestible chunks, so we can help you overcome your anxieties, fears, and misconceptions.
The challenge allows you to learn the absolute best material in the least amount of time, so you can succeed in the real world.
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- The digital files are uploaded on PCLOUD
- 12-24 hours delivery time
- the download links expire after 7 days and need to download them
- to renew the download link after expiration have one additional fee $5 per product
Also we accept requests (in this page) and course exchanges
In Course exchanges we are sending credits only
The credits will be the same price as we can sell course
No Refunds on digital product
- Because of the abuse of the refunds from many customers i don't accept refunds
- We accept only 1 time exchange with product of the same price
- if you done mistake on the exchangeable product i don't recognize it as your mistake
- Exchanges only 3 days after the payment of your digital product. (if abused again i will do it 1 day)
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