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5.33 MB
If you’re trying to meet women, why not get a woman’s perspective on what we’re thinking when we go through your profile?
This no BS look inside the world of online dating from a female perspective is exactly what you need to overhaul your online dating profile and start getting more dates immediately!
Written based on two of the most popular swipe apps — Bumble and Tinder — this guide contains valuable information that can be used on any dating site to dramatically increase your ability to attract women!
Unlike the other guides that teach smarmy pickup tactics and claim that you’ll have women falling all over you if you just employ a few shady techniques; this guide was written by a woman. One who genuinely wants to help you to change the way you think about online dating, create a better profile, and meet amazing high-quality women!
In this guide you’ll learn:
* The things you’ll need to fix before you ever open up your dating profile
* Mindset changes that will guarantee that you become a “standout man”
* How to write an amazing profile that gets her interested and moves her to take action on YOU!
* The exact types of photos to include in your profile, and which ones to leave out
* What other guys are currently doing wrong, and how a little effort on your part will make you stand out
* What women are really thinking when they go through your photos, and how to shape their perception in your favor
* How to maximize your profile space to say more with less
* The mistakes other guys make when messaging and how to avoid them
* Tips to help your first dates turn into second dates
* And much more!
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