Stephan Kesting  Bigger Stronger Series 2
20.5 GB
DVD 1: Takedowns and Top Position Gameplan
(2 hours, 30 minutes)
In this DVD Brandon gives you a complete gameplan for getting your grips, taking your opponent down, passing his guard, getting to a dominant position, and submitting him. Even if he outweighs you by 80 to 100 pounds, which is approximately the size difference between Brandon and I.
The Power of Gameplans
Gripping and First Move Stategy
Gripping vs Matched Lead
Drop Sode Tsurikomigoshi
Sode to Kouchi Gari
Arm Drag to Kouchi Gake
Gripping vs Unmatched Lead
Cross Grip to Kouchi Gari
Cross Grip to Sumi Gaeshi
Safety Position in Closed Guard
Knee in Middle Pass
Passing the Half Guard
Debugging the Half Guard Pass
Kneecut vs Half Butterfly
Cartwheel Pass vs Half Butterfly
The ‘Psych’ Pass vs Half Butterfly
Kneeswitch Pass vs Half Guard
Passing the Z Guard Part 1
Passing the Z Guard Part 2
Finalizing the Guardpass vs Explosive Bridging
Stabilizing the Sidemount, & Best Submissions from Sidemount
Kneeslide from Sidemount to Mount
Legswing from Sidemount to Mount
Maintaining the Mount
Rolling Armbar Attack vs Bridge and Push
Triangle vs Hip Wrap and Bump
Rear Mount Attacks
DVD 2: Guard and Bottom Position Gameplan
(2 hours, 19 minutes)
Here Brandon takes you through the sweeps, submissions, and transitions of his sophisticated closed guard game. Since filming this material I’ve started using a lot of it in my own personal training (even though I’m bigger than a lot of my training partners) and have found that it works incredibly well.
Guard Game / Bottom Strategy Intro
Stripping Lapel Grips
Stripping Belt Grips
Stripping Sleeve Grips
Dealing with Bicep Control
Breaking Posture from Closed Guard
Intro to Triangle Chokes
Gringo Grip to Triangle Choke
Gringo Grip to Omoplata
Hip Bump Sweep
Hip Bump Sweep Variation
Whizzer to Triangle Choke
Wrist Pin Triangle Choke
Whizzer to Omoplata
Omoplata as Sprawl Counter
Whizzer to Straight Armbar
Double Arm Trap to Triangle Choke
Double Arm Trap to Sweep
Advanced Pendulum Sweep
Pendulum Sweep Recounters
Double Underhook and Leg Bind
Kimura vs Defensive Posture
Belt Drag vs Defensive Posture
Guillotine/Triangle vs Defensive Posture
Defending the Barbosa/San Paulo Pass
DVD 3: Defense and Escape Gameplan
(1 hour and 53 minutes)
Sometimes things just don’t go to plan, and you end up pinned, mounted, and fighting off attacks. On DVD 3 Brandon takes you through his best escapes from the mount, technical mount, the quarter guard, rear mount, rear mount with figure 4’d legs, side mount and the turtle. Get out of trouble and get back in the game!
Defense and Escape Gameplan
Advanced Elbow-Knee Escape vs Mount
Foot Drag Escape
Double-Unders Escape vs Technical Mount
Shrimp and Lift vs Technical Mount
Reguarding from the Quarter Guard
Following the Hand Escape vs Rear Mount
Slow Motion Seoi Nage vs Rear Mount
Escaping Rear Mount in Transition
Somersault Escape vs Rear Body Triangle
Scarola Roll vs Rear Body Triangle
Crossing the Arm Escape vs Rear Body Triangle
Transitional Foot Drag vs Side Mount
Granby Roll vs Side Mount
Other Transitional Escapes vs Side Mount
Bumping to an Armbar vs Side Mount
Pummel Escape vs Side Mount
Turtle Escapes
Escaping in Transition vs North-South
Defending Big Guy Attacks
DVD 4: Instant BJJ Gamechangers
(2 hours and 2 minutes)
This is one of the coolest instructionals I’ve ever seen. In it Brandon takes you through more than 20 ‘game changers.’ These are techniques, concepts, tricks, and strategies that changed his game OVERNIGHT. Incorporate them into your own game, and watch your own level jump up too.
Instant BJJ Gamechangers
MMA Kickpass
Carlos Machado Repummel vs Half Guard
Submission-Proof Guard Passing & Taking the Back
Draculino Double Grip Pass
The Step Out Defense
Best Mount Attacks
Total Control Rearmount
The Kimura Backtake
Knee on Belly Arm Trap
The Draculino Bump
Roger Sweep Guard Defense
Leg Scissor Omoplata Finish
Rolling Omoplata Finish
Defeating the Over-Under Pass 1
Defeating the Over-Under Pass 2
Russian Roll Armbar
Defeating Double Underhooks
Clock Choke Defense
Bow and Arrow Choke Defense
Sperry Choke Defense
Brabo/Anaconda Choke Defense
Kneebar Defense
DVD 5: Strategies and Tactics for No-Gi
(1 hour and 15 minutes)
Brandon competes at the highest level both in traditional BJJ and in no-gi competitions. These two areas are similar but different, and a lot of people get confused here and would like some guidance. That’s why we’ve included this bonus Q&A DVD answering many of the most common questions about how to modify your BJJ game so it works both with and without the gi.
Transitioning From Gi to No-Gi
No-Gi Gripping Strategy
Gripping Details
Taking Advantage of Slipperiness
Taking the Back
Z Guard Offense and Defense
D’Arce, Anaconda and Guillotine Chokes
Arm Triangle Finishes
Training Outside of Class
Defending the Knee Cut / Margarida Pass No-Gi
Open Guard Offense
Finishing from North-South
Opening the Stubborn Closed Guard
Advice for New Competitors
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