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Sorin Dumitrascu – Introduction to Project Management
$20.00 Original price was: $20.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Category: Business
Name Product: Sorin Dumitrascu- Introduction to Project Management
Download Size: 130 MB
Author: Sorin Dumitrascu
Understand the main concepts of Project Management and PMP to be a successful Project Manager.
Even wondered how big companies choose their Project Managers? In this course, you will be introduced to eye-opening concepts of Project Management. This course will help you understand why some projects fail, and why others succeed, and you will be able to identify project management life cycle and processes as well as organizational influences.
This FREE course is a quick introduction to the PMP course, meant to explain the basic concepts of Project Management, starting from defining the main terms used in the field such as: project, program, portfolio, as well as the link to strategic planning.
The course illustrates Project Management Triangle (Scope, Time, and Cost), in addition to the core and supporting knowledge areas a Project Manager should master. It also covers the project life cycle and phases as well as organizational influences on managing projects, including organizational cultures, communications, structures. Furthermore, it gives you an overview of Project Management process groups and interaction forms among them.
Enhance your professional skills, and enjoy learning online!
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