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45.3 MB
Do you wish to understand the law of sexual attraction?
When you are able to master the law of attraction, you find that your thoughts become things. Basically the energy you put out into the universe comes back to you. The same rule applies to the law of sexual attraction. When you master this law, you will find that when you put forth your sexual energy into the universe you will get back that which you desire.
This hypnosis program will teach you how to master the law of sexual attraction. You will focus on how to attract sexual situations. It doesn’t matter if you are single or in a relationship. This is about increasing your sexual magnetism so that your partner will want to be with you and much more sexually attracted to you. As you listen to this hypnosis program daily, you will soon find that you are more confident with the sexual side of yourself. You will feel more attractive and magnetic. Your partner will desire you more than ever before.
Learn how to awaken that part of yourself that is sexual and sensual and see how you will be able to attract that same kind of energy back. You will ooze sexuality and will draw people to you with your magnetism. Don’t wait any longer, learn how to master the law of sexual attraction today!
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