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Sean Cooper – Conversation Hacking Module 1
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Category: PUA Seduction
Sean Cooper Conversation Hacking Module 1
277 MB
Better Version:
“I Thought I Was Doomed To Be Quiet, Shy and Awkward. But New Psychology Enabled Me To Become Twice As Talkative and Confident.
You Can Too! Here’s How.
ï¿« Here’s Your Chance To FINALLY Stop Feeling Left Out, Ignored And Invisible In Social Situations.
ï¿« Read On To Discover An Easy Method To Develop a Confident, Attractive Voice Everyone Can Easily Hear.
ï¿« And I’ll Even Tell You EXACTLY What To Talk About So You Speak Up More Often And Stop Being Called Quiet!
Sean Cooper,Shyness & Social Anxiety Expert
I have a confession to make.
For most of my life, I’ve struggled with people calling me quiet and telling me that I don’t talk much.
(I don’t think most people know these types of comments can actually make someone feel WORSE about themselves.)
I didn’t speak very often.
I could only express myself around my brother and a couple of guys I knew really well.
But around other people, I automatically became quiet and awkward. It felt like I LOST most of my personality, social skills and sense of humor around people I didn’t know well.
If I was around people I didn’t know well, then it felt like my mind was usually blank . I literally had no idea what to say.
And even when I DID speak up once in a while, my voice always sounded weak, timid and unsure.
I would have people asking me to repeat myself . or leaning in to hear me better in loud places . or sometimes even not noticing that I had said something – like I was invisible!
Other times I felt like I “weirded out” anyone I talked to with my incredible self-consciousness, awkwardness and nervousness.
And the most frustrating part was that it felt like I had tried everything to become more confident and social, and it seemed nothing worked.
Whenever I Tried To Act More Social Or Confident, I Just Felt Like A Bad Actor
I tried putting pressure on myself to think of things to say, but that didn’t work. I just couldn’t find things to talk about when I didn’t know someone well. I was terrified of creating awkward silences because I would often simply run out of things to say.
I tried to “fake it ’til I made it” and forced myself to talk louder, but that didn’t work. I always sounded serious, tense and robotic. Nothing seemed to help me speak with more expressiveness and charisma.
I tried to “expand my comfort zone” and socialize with GROUPS of people, but that didn’t work. I ended up feeling awkward, left out and ignored. I was always that guy at the edge of the group listening to everyone else talk.(I could often talk to a person one-on-one okay, but as soon as someone who I didn’t know joined in, I crawled back into my shell. This made it extremely hard to make new friends or get a girlfriend.)
And even if I did manage to successfully act more confident for a bit, the change never stuck. I always slid back to being my old shy, quiet, introverted self after just a few minutes, hours or days.
The reason why I’m sharing this with you is to make a point.
When you continue to struggle with the same basic problems over and over again, year after year.
You Really Start To Believe
You’re Hopeless At Talking To People
In the beginning, I had tried to change. But now I started to DOUBT if it really was possible for me to improve.
Maybe I just hated small talk and didn’t have much in common with people?
Maybe being quiet and not talking much was just my introverted personality, and I should accept it?
Maybe I’ll never be able to live life like a normal person who can just talk to people comfortably and make friends easily?
Finally, after struggling ALONE with being a quiet, shy and awkward guy for most of my life.
I finally decided to swallow my pride and search for advice.
But that didn’t go too well, either.
Here’s Why Most Conversation & Social Skills Advice Out There Doesn’t Work If You’re Shy, Quiet and Introverted.
I’m a big nerd, and when I get interested in a topic, I read EVERYTHING I can about it.
So I decided to spend several months going through every article, book and course that was even a little bit related to conversation and social skills.
I searched the internet for articles, I read the bestselling “Conversation Tips” books at the bookstore, I listened to audio programs and video seminars on confidence.And guess what?
In the beginning, I was very disappointed.
Most of the books I found in the bookstore and the library didn’t help. They just said things like.
“smile” . “be a good listener” . “stand up straighter” . “be interested in other people”
And as I read book after book, I thought to myself:
How did this JUNK even get published!?!!
It was just common sense, packaged into a book.
And it seemed like the point of the books was not even to help readers, but to make the authors . rich and famous!
So if you haven’t yet found any advice that’s actually helped you become better at talking to people, then I’ve got some good news:
It’s Not Your Fault!
The truth is, most of the common advice out there is written by people who have never had to struggle with a REAL lack of confidence or poor conversation skills themselves!
Most of the articles and books out there are written by phony self help gurus and motivational speakers who just repeat whatever advice “sounds good” to them!
Now, I know it’s natural to ASSUME that if someone has a book on “confidence” or “conversation” published, then they MUST know what they are talking about.
But think about it: If THEY have never had problems like the ones WE have.
Like not knowing what to say . or being too quiet . or freezing up around groups of people.
Then how would THEY know what advice actually works?
All they can do is repeat the same useless advice they read from some other “expert” and HOPE that it will work for you.
Which led me to realize.
If I Really Wanted To Improve, Then I Had To Go Deeper With My Research.
It was only after I went PAST all that useless “common advice” and started learning from other more FORBIDDEN SOURCES that I noticed dramatic improvements in my conversation abilities.
What types of sources? I’m talking about.
Secrets on how to be charming from “pick up artists.” You know, the guys who spend morning until night figuring out ways to talk their way into sex.(I uncovered their private internet forums and found their secrets to make people like you and form extremely quick connections just by saying certain specific phrases to people.)
Simple tricks from top Hollywood actors to instantly make your voice loud, expressive and charismatic so that people will be drawn towards you instead of ignoring you.(I spent hours going through the top trainings by the #1 voice coaches in the country . so I could discover how to never be called quiet again.)
Little-known modern psychology research into the way people communicate from top universities like Harvard, Yale and Stanford. These schools publish papers and books that reveal the hidden patterns that most conversations follow.(You can memorize and use these same patterns in your everyday conversations so you always know the right thing to say next and never have to worry about awkward silences again.)
And many more sources. confident body language fixes from former FBI agents. how to remain calm even in arguments and deal with difficult people using old Buddhist techniques. and I could go on and on.
Basically, I’m Willing To Learn From Anybody.
To overcome my own difficulties with making conversations, I became an information sponge.
In the beginning, progress was painful:
I had to read through 5 psychology papers just to learn one “golden nugget” that improved my ability to make conversation.
I had to hunt down expensive courses on persuasion and sales. just to learn a couple of tricks to making great first impressions.
I had to uncover private forums and encrypted websites where masters of psychology and dating share ideas and techniques freely, safe from the prying eyes of the outside world.
I took the techniques I learned about and tested them out on myself in the real world.
Now, only a few of the ideas and techniques I tried out made any difference. Most of them were pretty useless.
But I kept going. I slowly discovered more of the golden useful ideas. and even started to DEVELOP my own techniques.
And guess what happened?
After spending my whole life being miserably withdrawn in social situations. and weirding out anyone I talked to with my incredible awkwardness and nervousness.
I Was More Amazed Than Anyone When I Started To Actually Become GOOD At Talking To People.
I was truly changing the way people responded to me in conversations:
First of all, people stopped calling me quiet. And they also stopped saying things to me like “you don’t talk much.” (Which I used to hear ALL the time!)
Second, instead of awkwardly listening off to the side in social situations, I was able to turn on my brain, turn off my nervousness, and actually speak up.
Third, I was no longer worried about running out of things to say or creating awkward silences. I could now talk to almost anyone in a relaxed and almost effortless way. (Even people I used to be intimidated of like attractive girls and authority figures!)
I know none of these “accomplishments” are even that impressive. All I really learned to do was talk to people in a normal, confident way.
But for a guy like me – who grew up having basically no friends, no experience with girls, and with really poor social skills – I felt like I had discovered new superpowers.
Within a couple of months, my social life and dating life completely took off. And my career became better than ever because I wasn’t afraid to put myself out there.
The question you’re probably asking now is: How EXACTLY did I do it?
I’ll show you how you can learn all the same conversation techniques I discovered and developed in just a minute.
Now, I realize my story is a bit unusual and you might be somewhat skeptical at this point.
So let me tell you a bit more about me so you know that I really am a real person.
Just to remind you quickly, my name is Sean Cooper.
First of all, you already know that I was very quiet and didn’t talk much. But that’s only part of the story.
I grew up with extremely bad social anxiety. to the point where I couldn’t even make eye contact with people. I couldn’t go to the store without having my armpits dripping with sweat. I couldn’t carry on a simple conversation. I had no friends and felt extremely isolated.
My problem got so bad that about 3 years ago, I made the decision to study psychology books and programs like a maniac and (surprisingly) managed to overcome most of my issues.
Then I decided to teach other people how to overcome shyness and social anxiety. and quickly built a loyal following:
My articles are read by tens of thousands of people every month.
I can send out an email newsletter, and within a few hours thousands of shy and socially anxious people will open it to read my advice.
My program called “The Shyness and Social Anxiety System” is THE most popular product on the internet for overcoming shyness or social anxiety.
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