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62.9 MB
Attention: Want To Live Your Life To The Fullest?
A special message for action takers only from Sasha Daygame
Hi, Sasha here. Let me ask you an honest question. Are you living the life you want right now?
Here is a turbo-charged kick in the ass to make the rest of 2014 the MOST LEGENDARY EVER… you absolutely need to see this. Read my story below:
When I first arrived in Stuttgart, Germany… I had no idea this would happen…
I don’t know if you know this, but sometimes when I arrive in a new city, I will do a talk for a group of students, for only a small sum of money.
These talks are usually never released to the public. I just do it so I can help the people who REALLY want to learn – even if they can’t afford to come to one of my (expensive) bootcamps.
But the Stuttgart talk was different.
A group of students, about 15 of them, gathered in Stuttgart, Germany to hear me talk to them for about an hour. They all had paid 20 euros to be there. And they had no idea what would happen next…I opened my mouth… started talking…… and, long story short — 45 minutes later, all the students unanimously agreed that…
“These Were The Most Valuable 45 Minutes In My Life To Date!”
So here’s what this is all about.
I’m writing you today because I think if you listened to the recording, you would say the same thing.
Actually, I guarantee it.
The talk I gave is pretty insane. As soon as I opened my mouth, a torrent of killer, life-changing, force-you-to-change words came out almost non-stop for 45 minutes straight.
Those are my students’ words, not mine.
And the truth is… I have the recording sitting on my hard drive…
And it’s just TOO DAMN GOOD not to let everyone else get inspired by it as well!
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