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Sacred Living Geometry – The Theories of Viktor Schauberger
Category: Esoteric
VHS-Rip | English | MP4 + MP3 + PDF Guides | 624 x 480 | AVC ~549 Kbps | 29.970 fps
AAC | 126 Kbps | 44.1 KHz | 2 channels | 10:39:45 | 3.01 GB
Genre: eLearning Video / Self Improvement
AAC | 126 Kbps | 44.1 KHz | 2 channels | 10:39:45 | 3.01 GB
Genre: eLearning Video / Self Improvement
Viktor Schauberger (30 June 1885 in Holzschlag, Upper Austria – 25 September 1958 in Linz, Austria) was an Austrian forest caretaker, naturalist, philosopher, inventor and biomimicry experimenter. Schauberger developed his own ideas based on what he observed in nature.
Viktor Schauberger was an Austrian inventor and naturalist who built and patented a water ram pump involving a spiral flow which he claimed to have learned from a visit to the Egyptian pyramid. Schauberger is considered the father of implosion technology. Many of his inventions are based on his study of fluidic vortexes.
Viktor Schauberger – Biography
Viktor Schauberger was born in Holzschlag, Austria in 1885. Growing up in a family of forest workers led Schauberger to study the physics of the forest. He researched water flow and other natural phenomena.
Beginning in 1929, Schauberger began patenting inventions based on water engineering. Schauberger built a water turbine to produce hydroelectricity.
During World War II, Schauberger was forced by the German SS to continue his research into vortex technology to aid in the design of German planes and even a type of flying saucer (the Repulsine). The stress led to his mental breakdown and hospitalization. After the war, Viktor Schauberger began his research on vortex technology and invented water-power turbines.
In 1958, at the age of seventy-three, Viktor Schauberger died in Linz, Austria.
Viktor Schauberger – List of Patents (Issued in Austria)
113487 Construction for Creating Wild Brooks and Flow Regulation
122144 Artificial Channel for Transporting Logs
134543 Conduction of Water in Tubes & Channels
136214 Installation & Correction of Flow in Draining Channels
138296 Water Conduction
142032 Construction for Fabricating Tap Water
166644 Plow
196680 Tubing for Flowing & Gaseous Media
Viktor Schauberger – Timeline
1885 Viktor Schauberger born in Holzschlag, Upper Austria, into a family with a long tradition of
caring for the unspoilt Alpine forests.
1914-18 Soon after the birth of his son Walter, Viktor was enlisted in the Kaiser’s army.
1919 Appointed forest warden and gamekeeper.
1920 Became head warden (‘forst meister’) in Brunnenthall-Steyerling, the property of Prince Adolph van Schaumburg-Lippe.
1922 Radical designs of new log flume at Steyerling, which greatly reduced cost of bringing trees out of inaccessible mountains, with no damage to the timber.
1924-28 National consultant for timber flotation, building successful flumes in Austria, Bavaria and Yugoslavia.
1929 First patent applications for water engineering and turbines. This was a very creative time, and for the next few years he wrote a lot .
1930-32 Experiments with producing electrical energy directly from water, converting degraded into pure water and the prototype of the ‘trout turbine’ based on his observations of a trout’s behaviour in a fast flowing stream. Study of comparative agricultural methods in Bulgaria, sanctioned by King Boris.
1933 Publication of his only book, Unsere Sinnlose Arbeit “Our Senseless Toil – The Cause of the World Crisis”; subtitled ‘Growth through Transformation, not Destruction, of the Atom’. Meeting with Hitler to discuss Viktor’s ideas about power generation and agricultural methods.
1936-7 Arnold Hohl made detailed records of his visits to Viktor Schauberger, with contemporary writings, letters, notes and comments which were published in 1993 in a special edition of Mensch und Technik – naturmass (Humanity & Technology – in accordance with Nature).
1938 Constructs with his son Walter a replica of Lord Kelvin’s Falling Water Experiment of capillary research, generating a voltage of 20,000 volts.
1940 The first Repulsine (flying saucer) built first in Berlin and then in Vienna, where the prototype broke from its mooring and smashed through the factory’s ceiling. Heinkel steals Viktor’s copyright and builds his Schriever ‘Flying Top’ in the Rostock factory.
1943 Himmler gives the SS the task of producing secret weapons. Viktor gets sucked into the Nazi machine against his will.
1944 Schauberger drafted into the SS and ordered (on pain of death) to develop an improved Repulsine and a submarine engine for Germany’s war effort, at the Mathausen concentration camp. All prototypes and working models of the Repulsine subsequently ordered by Field Marshall Keitel to be destroyed on the collapse of the German armies.
1945 Invading Russian intelligence team removes Viktor’s research papers and his models from his Vienna flat. Held for a month in ‘protective custody’ by American forces in Austria who decided he was not to be deported to the USA, as were countless other German atomic scientists, engineers and physicists. Viktor starts work on his Klimator, for domestic air conditioning.
1945-50 Focuses on research to increase soil fertility and agricultural production.
1958 Karl Gerchsheimer and Robert Dodd persuaded Viktor and Walter to go to Texas to discuss a project in which Viktor’s research would obtain substantial funding in America to develop energy-saving projects ‘which could transform human living standards’. Within a few weeks, disillusioned with the whole project, Victor refused to cooperate. Desperate to get back to Austria, he unwittingly signed a contract which gave away everything for which he had striven, really destroying his life. He arrived back in Austria on September 20th, and within five days he died, a broken man.
The Energy Evolution – Viktor Schauberger – Callum Coats.mp3
Alexandersson – Living Water, Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy, 1990.pdf
The Manual of Free Energy Devices and Systems, 1991.pdf
Viktor Schauberger – Hidden Nature – The Startling Insights of Viktor Schauberger.pdf
Viktor Schauberger – Implosion, The Path of Natural Energy.pdf
Viktor Schauberger – Living Energies with Callum Coats.pdf
Viktor Schauberger – Nature as teacher – New principles in the working of nature (1998).pdf
Viktor Schauberger – Repulsine Redesign.pdf
Viktor Schauberger – Self-organizing Flow Technology – In Viktor Schauberger’s Footsteps.pdf
Viktor Schauberger – The Energy Evolution.pdf
Viktor Schauberger – The water wizard – The extraordinary properties of natural water (1997).pdf
german originals
Implosion, Heft 148, 2005 01 Jan, Schauberger, Biotechnische Nachrichten.pdf
Olof Alexandersson – Lebendes Wasser, U?ber Viktor Schauberger.pdf
Radlberger – Der Hyperbolische Kegel nach Walter Schauberger, 2002.pdf
Viktor Schauberger – Diverse Aufsa?tze.pdf
Viktor Schauberger – Unsere Sinnlose Arbeit, 1933.pdf
Viktor Schauberger – Wasser, Das Blut Der Erde 2004.pdf
Viktor Schauberger, Implosion, Heft Nr 154.pdf
Viktor Schauberger, Implosion, Heft Nr 155.pdf
Viktor Schauberger – Water Ways of Life.pdf
Viktor Schauberger – World Living Water Systems Ltd.pdf
US1775871 Apparatus for Assorting Timber.pdf
Implosion, Cymatics, Zero Point Energy and the Work of Victor Schauberger.mp4
Nature Was My Teacher – The Vision of Viktor Schauberger.mp4
Sacred Living Geometry
Sacred Living Geometry, part 1 – Theories of Viktor Schauberger.mp4
Sacred Living Geometry, part 2 – Theories of Viktor Schauberger.mp4
The Extraordinary Nature of Water – Based on The theories of Viktor Schauberger.mp4
The Many Discoveries of Viktor Schauberger.mp4
The Secrets of Water – Viktor Schauberger – Comprehend and Copy Nature.mp4
Viktor Schauberger and the Nature of Reality.mp4
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