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Ryan Deiss – 6-Step Market Research Blueprint
WEBRips | MP4/AVC, ~1250 kb/s | 640×368 | Duration: 2 hours | English: AAC, 132 kb/s (1 ch) | + PDF Guide | 1.24 GB
Genre: Business, Job
WEBRips | MP4/AVC, ~1250 kb/s | 640×368 | Duration: 2 hours | English: AAC, 132 kb/s (1 ch) | + PDF Guide | 1.24 GB
Genre: Business, Job
Did I pick the right market? Is it too big? Too small? How can I know what my audience ACTUALLY wants? How can I be certain my product will sellBEFORE I create it?
This is the same process the teams at DigitalMarketer and our sister companies use to plan and roll out new products, services and trainings.
This process can be completed quickly, and all without having to leave your desk.
We walk you through 25 different tools step-by-step that we use to research and gather the data and purchasing habits you need to know about your audience.
Dont worry, these tools are easy to use and theyre all either completely free or have free versions or free trials, so its not expensive to use them.
The Market Research Blueprint also includes our almost magical 23-page Market Research Worksheet that walks you through the steps to determining if your product or service will be a home run
or a complete dud
BEFORE you risk your precious time and money.
If your market is big enough (or if its too big and how to make it smaller)
And you wont have to guess!
The data will show you EXACTLY what you need to do, and this guide will show you EXACTLY how to get the data
Plus youll get to watch over our shoulder as we create a product line and complete sales funnel from scratch in a market we know nothing about and with full confidence that it will sell!
Thats Why We Created Our
6-Step Market Research Blueprint
These are actual questions weve received from DigitalMarketer subscribers and readers
In fact, we get more questions about market research and product development than anything else.
Now let me ask you a question (or two)
What if you never had a failed product again ever?
What if writing marketing campaigns and sales copy was quick and easy (because you knew exactly what your market wanted)?
What if you knew how to spy on your competitors to figure out whats working so you dont have to reinvent the wheel?
That would make running your business, or at least selling your products and service a whole lot easier right? (trust me the answer is YES)
Thats Why We Created Our 6-Step Market Research Blueprint
This is the same process the teams at DigitalMarketer and our sister companies use to plan and roll out new products, services and trainings.
This process can be completed quickly, and all without having to leave your desk.
We walk you through 25 different tools step-by-step that we use to research and gather the data and purchasing habits you need to know about your audience.
Dont worry, these tools are easy to use and theyre all either completely free or have free versions or free trials, so its not expensive to use them.
The Market Research Blueprint also includes our almost magical 23-page Market Research Worksheet that walks you through the steps to determining if your product or service will be a home run
or a complete dud
BEFORE you risk your precious time and money.
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- to renew the download link after expiration have one additional fee $5 per product
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In Course exchanges we are sending credits only
The credits will be the same price as we can sell course
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- Because of the abuse of the refunds from many customers i don't accept refunds
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