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Ry Schwartz (CopySchool) 10x LAUNCHES | 6.56 GB
Joanna Wiebe is the CEO of Copyhackers – the place SaaS founders, entrepreneurs, small biz owners and copywriters go when they’re ready to ditch rookie “best practices” and avoidable mistakes…
and learn how to write copy that converts. Like pros.
The OG conversion copywriter, Joanna’s been invited to speak on a 100+ international stages including Google, Mozcon, CTA Conf and INBOUND. She’s the mastermind behind Copy School.
Ry Schwartz has been deep in the trenches for over a dozen 6- and 7-figure product launches and evergreen funnels. He’s written for and/or consulted with top online entrepreneurs and trainers like Amy Porterfield, Todd Herman, London Real, Josh Shipp and Dan Martell. And he’s done it all without writing a single line of “copy.”
Instead, he developed the Coaching The Conversion Method™. This faster, more natural and intuitive framework for crafting launch and funnel copy (that connects deeply with your prospects and “coaches” them into becoming the perfect buyer) is exactly what you’ll get access to when you make 10x Launches part of your copywriting stack.
You’ll 10x your strategic toolkit and:
– Use the “Coaching the Conversion” methodology to quickly craft custom launch strategies that fill bank accounts without making you feel like a worn out door-to-door sales rep
– Tackle any launch plan with confidence – whether it’s a product launch, an evergreen launch or the launch for the course you’ve been lovingly building for the last three years – thanks to the tested, proven system in your back pocket
– Firmly move away from seeing launches as “finite windows of opportunity” where you have to throw urgency, scarcity and a big ole spoonful of guilt at your prospect and discover what to do instead (it feels much less yucky)
– Use the 47 golden questions to delve deep into who your ideal prospect is and help them become the perfect buyer without resorting to cheap tactics
– Wield segmentation like a pro and earn an enthusiastic buy-in from your prospect from the first email
– Confidently recommend the launch email sequences your clients need, in the correct order (all while knowing that you can execute on the copy too → even if you’ve never tackled a launch before)
– Leave the hard sell firmly in the past by embracing the moment your prospect signs on with you as the critical relationship-building opportunity that it is
You’ll 10x your copywriting toolkit and:
– Make blank-page syndrome a gremlin you’ll never have to fight again thanks to the proven formulas, processes and theme-plates you’ll find inside
– Use the principle of minimum viable commitment to guide your prospect through a series of micro-conversions, so that saying yes to you feels like the natural next step
– Lean on the theme-plates – custom-designed formulas specifically crafted to help you create irresistible sales messages rooted in psychology and brought to life by your research – to confidently create email copy in a fraction of the time
– Craft copy that reaches deep into the hidden places that store your reader’s hopes and fears and empowers them to act → the kind of copy that’s behind all the biggest 6 and 7-fig launches you follow
– Use open loops, consistency loops, the moment of highest tension and the moment of highest pleasure to create emails that prod your reader out of inertia and inspire action
– Deploy ethical “closing” manouveurs during the last 48 hours of the launch to close those sales while keeping your sales copy 100% ick-free
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- The digital files are uploaded on PCLOUD
- 12-24 hours delivery time
- the download links expire after 7 days and need to download them
- to renew the download link after expiration have one additional fee $5 per product
Also we accept requests (in this page) and course exchanges
In Course exchanges we are sending credits only
The credits will be the same price as we can sell course
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- Because of the abuse of the refunds from many customers i don't accept refunds
- We accept only 1 time exchange with product of the same price
- if you done mistake on the exchangeable product i don't recognize it as your mistake
- Exchanges only 3 days after the payment of your digital product. (if abused again i will do it 1 day)
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