RSD – Foundations Superconference


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What Is The Most Effortless And Direct Way Of Becoming The Cool Guy That Naturally Attracts Women?”
Our New FOUNDATIONS Program Will Arm You With The Practical Knowledge You Need To Overcome Your Obstacles And Set You On The Path Of Success With Women IMMEDIATELY.

I Will Be Your Guide Through A Perfect Pickup

If you’re reading this, it’s because you’ve found yourself becoming nervous when you’re around women.

But have you also found yourself asking others for advice for that one particular date you wanted to go on?

If you’re like most men, you asked one of your friends for advice, you know, the ones who are “Naturals.”

Your friends probably gave you the best advice they could give you in that moment, telling you how to act so that you could pull of coming across as a Cool Guy.

But for all their good intentions, they were unable to give you the core advice that you later realized would have made all the difference. It wasn’t their fault: They simply didn’t know how to articulate their advice enough for you to digest it and implement it in your game.

If you lost the window of opportunity with that woman, it’s probably because your friends didn’t know that one of your needy behavior patterns would pop out unexpectedly.

In the end, you failed to bring the girl home, and you took solace in the fact that you had done everything you “could,” justifying yourself by saying that even with the advice of “naturals” you couldn’t pull.

Therefore, because their advice didn’t work, it meant that there was something wrong with the girl, right?


It simply meant that along the process, YOU did something wrong that neither you nor your friends knew would happen. Now how will you ever know what to correct if you don’t know the mechanics of a pickup, from start to finish?

There are 8 elements to a solid pickup. This is the meat of the program, where you’ll have total access to just the BEST of my thinking and view of pickup.

“I must say that Tyler’s near-psychic analysis of the dynamics of any given situation.was a significant value booster for the overall package.(he) articulated the dynamics of situations and any solutions sooo far beyond anyone else it wasn’t even funny.”
Matt from Los Angeles, CA, USA

The most important thing for you to do is to prevent yourself from getting stuck inside your head memorizing a structure, as those “dating gurus” want you to.

With FOUNDATIONS, you will be able to go with the flow at all times, knowing how to discern what feels RIGHT in a pickup, instead of blindly adhering to a model that won’t address your particular situation. Through field-tested tactics developed through years of trial and error, you will be set to use what you want for your particular goals without ever being “manipulative” with women.

I will teach you how to naturally direct the conversation to get you toward the eight elements of the pickup, and you won’t need me to draw a picture for it.
For just approaching and starting a conversation with a woman (the first element), you will also learn:

– Which types of openers are the best for engaging a women in conversation, and how to get over the “screen” every woman uses as a basis for choosing you or not.
– What are the dynamics of working whole rooms of people and solving the funny logistical puzzles of clubs.
– Specific techniques to speaking louder, and talking through the diaphragm to elicit responses.
– How to hone the one thing you absolutely need when approaching directly.
– A simple way of avoiding resistance within the first three seconds of meeting a woman.
– The one method that will allow you to talk to women for as long as you want.
– How to transition smoothly into “hooking” a woman, the second element of a good pickup.
– A unique way to keep women entranced by your words.
– How to establish dominance with your eye contact and voice.
– A detailed explanation on how to come up with YOUR OWN MATERIAL to start conversations with women. (At RSD, this is one of the things we do differently than anybody out there, and is the one thing that will make your game skyrocket! You will stand out at a time when women are much more aware of what “pickup lines” men are using today.)
– How to balance being authoritative while also being laid back.
– A priceless way of keeping yourself in “super state.”
– A step-by-step way to initiate a sexual vibe from the outset.
– A simple technique to getting anybody’s attention without being reactive.
– Exercises designed to make you realize that as a man, it is your duty to be a good conversationalist and add value to the night.
– Why ANY opener will become irrelevant if you don’t have these two things down.
– Several new tricks for structuring opportunities to help women talk.
– How to prevent women from taking over the conversation and trying to tool you.
– The key ways to flirting non-verbally.
– Exercises for sparking attraction through the way you emphasize certain words. (I’ll tell you which words)
– A quick and easy guide to keeping your body language in check.
– How to prepare yourself beforehand for the various responses a woman may give to your opener.
– How to strike for the elusive: neutral body language and tonality.
– How to use the rhythm of your speech to convey high status.
– The secret to handling a rough landing (how to break rapport and use humor and pacing to get you back into the conversation).
– The right way to insinuate, rather than blurt out, your sexual intentions.
– How to reinitiate lost or interrupted conversations with women.
– A simple, surefire method of actually determining the relationships within a group without even asking.
– A formula to make women know that you are processing what they’ve said and that you care about the conversation.
– Specific guided tactics of how to approach women in any situation. (You’ll be thankful when that cute girl rushing to work stops to talk to you and then forgets all about her job!)
– How to escalate physically while talking.
– How to prevent yourself from talking too much to keep the interaction going.
– Everything you’ll ever need to know about calibrating your delivery.
– A guaranteed way of making every person in the group hit an emotional spike (Hint: This is VERY important if you want to spend some alone time with a woman who’s there with her friends)
– A detailed explanation of how to use humor, and the HUGE difference between using content-related humor and being funny as a result of higher status.
– How to elicit strong emotions right off the bat.
– How to get over a woman’s automatic responses in order to engage her emotional mind.
– How to make women work so that they’ll want to be guided to doing intimate things with you.a few minutes into the conversation!
– A simple way of consistently cutting off the conversational threads that are not working to your benefit.

.and this is JUST for the FIRST element of pickup!
So Here’s The Deal


Top-tier dating coaching programs are expensive and I’m consistently told by people who find out about the results that we produce with this program that I should be charging at least $1,500.

So the question is, are YOU willing to pay $1,500 to get this handled?

You should be. Guys spend their entire lives trying to make money and build empires that will attract women, and I’m positive that it would be worth it to you.

Back when I was learning this stuff, I paid a lot more to travel all over the world seeking out anyone and everyone who had just a fraction of knowledge and ability to teach it that we’ve tested, filtered out, and condensed to offer you here.

Regular professional coaching courses in any other field costs more than this.

A lifetime of purchasing books and tapes that claim to deliver you confidence costs more than this.

And the improvements in how you feel about yourself and the quality of your life (which is slowly ticking away by the day) can’t even be given a monetary value because this is a life skill.

So yes, it would be more than worth it. But with all the “noise” out there, I want to be known for having the highest quality product and the best deal around.

I started teaching courses several years ago, and at that time what I was teaching was so unheard of (who knew that you could learn to get girls?) that I HAD to have the most ridiculously FOOL PROOF and ATTENTION GRABBING system available.

This is the reputation that’s gotten me to where I’m at, and I’ve preserved it even now.

So that’s why if you have enough desire and motivation to succeed – and you’re willing to prove it by investing $369 in yourself for the DVD course and/or $269 for the CD course, we will provide you with the most comprehensive dating home study course ever released.

We’ll deliver you hours of dating strategies, so make sure that you are ready to make all the crucial little adjustments you need to be made to make sure that you have this DEALT WITH and a solid game plan at the end of the course..

We’ve been around longer than any other company that tries to teach you how to be good with women, and we’re infinitely more thorough and geared to handle any type of student or situation because we’ve worked with such a wide ranger of people.

We are notorious for doing whatever it takes to get results for ourselves and the people who learn from us.

After years of reading our attendees’ reviews and learning from their feedback it pleases me to no end that as far as producing results in students goes, we’ve developed a teaching style that is untouchable. Nobody else comes close.

Something I’ve always noticed is that people always love bonuses.

It just gives you that novel Christmas type feeling of unwrapping something new. And when they’re actually useful, it makes the deal that much sweeter.

Remember. When you see it LIVE you’ll finally have that VIVID UNDERSTANING of how a guy who’s been pulling women for years lives the kind of crazy lifestyle that he leads – and how you can do it too.

You’ll walk away MOTIVATED AND INSPIRED because your mind will have VISUAL PROOF that it’s possible for an average guy to get hot girls from a totally cold approach.

And you’ll have the PRICELESS FEEDBACK that will strip years off of your learning curve and make a huge shift in how other people see you.

But to add some more cool features to this already VALUE SATURATED program, I’ve thrown in a few bonuses that you’ll get a lot out of as well:

– Exclusive RSD Superconference notes chocked-full of confidential strategies that you only learn at a Superconference (and to make sure that you follow up post program and remember everything that you learned).

So don’t wait on this. We’re highly protective of your privacy so purchase information and receipt confirmation is emailed to you and kept confidential.

You’ll have the opportunity to absorb all the vital knowledge and absolutely crucial skills that you need to make a real identity level change and have the kind of lifestyle upgrade that will have your friends in disbelief.

Stop dabbling with half measures and integrating bad habits that you’ll have to unwire later (or like most guys that you’ll never unwire). If you keep doing the things you’ve always done you’ll continue to get the results you’ve always gotten.

Do what it takes. MAKE the time. There’s always an excuse and life is ALWAYS busy, but it’s a lot more fun to be busy with a skill set that allows you to get hot girls and dominate your social scene.

I have such unwavering confidence in this program because I’ve gone to such painstaking effort to refine it and cram it with value.

I’ve been very picky and surrounded myself with only the most phenomenally talented people, and I know that if you come in with a positive attitude and ready to learn that you’ll take such a massive level of value home with you.

Be ready to have a great time, and a REALITY SHATTERING experience learning from my own personal field experience and references, and I will TRANSFER ALL OF MY SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE to you as quickly and easily as humanly possible.

If you’ve got the desire to do whatever it takes to get this handled, and the will to work on this together, sign up now while it’s still hot in your mind and use our combined years of teaching experience to get you exactly to where you want to be.

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