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631 MB
Ross Jeffries – Speed Seduction POWERPACK Gold Walkup Download
Dear Speed Seduction® Student,
If you’d like to know exactly how to use the latest, cutting edge Speed Seduction® technology to make meeting even the hottest women, anytime, anywhere, about as easy as melting butter on a red-hot skillet then…This Is THE Breakthrough Product You’ve Been Waiting For!
Look: by far the most requested item from you dedicated students has been some kind of video or DVD product that tells you…Exactly How To Use Speed Seduction® From The Opening Approach Right Through To The First Few Minutes Of The “Sit-Down” Sarging!
Well, this dynamite DVD(also available in VHS/PAL/SECAM video) will show you step by easy step, how to use the Master Keys to make meeting women super-easy, super-successful and super-fun, and……………….. Never Have To Worry About What To Say!
Now, you read that correctly. Whether you are already something of a “walk up” master, or have been, up til now, a tongue-tied novice, this DVD will set you free from ever having to worry about what to say, by teaching you to channel the 4 proper energetic vibes or pathways, making any response she gives you……A Super-Charged Pathway Right To Her Bed!
Recorded live at two separate Speed Seduction® seminars, this DVD features me working with live female demonstration subjects, so you can easily see(and learn) every detail of how to make women super-responsive, ready and open, from the moment you first open your mouth.
The 4 Approach Positions/Vibes: The Master, Gold-Key, Walk-Up Secret!
Listen: if you are looking for nothing but a collection of canned “pick-up” lines, this DVD is NOT for you. Yes, I will give you example after example of exactly what to say, but far more important….
I Will Teach You The Mastery Of The 4 Key Energetic “Vibes” That Guarantee No Matter What You Say(And No Matter What Her Initial Response), You Will Have Her Eating From The Palm Of Your Hand(Or Fly Of Your Pants) Within The First 10 Minutes No Matter What!
Here’s just some of what you will learn in this start to finish, walk-up mastery road map:
*How to use the 4 different approach vibes in the proper combination and sequence, to insure no matter WHAT your opening words are, the sarge will progress exactly as you want it.
*How to get past all “compliment resistance” with the super-powered “Implied Compliment” method
*The exact different physical angles and approaches to use in different walk up scenarios.
*The “step back” principle; creating an interest “vacuum” to test her willingness, convey safety and power, and condition her from the very beginning to be the one coming after YOU!
*Three magic words to make ANY opening lines 500% more effective
*Mastering the “put-on”: how to instantly convert any observed situation or condition into a hilarious, fun, mega-icebreaker that she can’t resist.
*The 6 Gold-Walk up beliefs you must master and command to insure your absolute pick-up mastery!.
*3 steps you MUST take before you make any approach to triple or quadruple your walk-up success.
*The 90% rule to eliminate almost any pre-approach jitters.
*The strategic use of pacing and pauses to create hypnotic response potential within the first 10-15 seconds!
*Structured assignments and drills to build your walk-up skills.
*An amazing new “boyfriend ignorer”, the best I’ve ever used, that also includes word for word powerful hypnotic language that turns her “boyfriend” objection into a filter of desire, lust and need that she HAS to see you through!(worth the DVD price alone!)
*The fabulous “Snack Quiz” and “Twin Brother Scenarios”: here’s how to get them to actually sit down and easily and smoothly move right into powerful patterning language! You’ll never get stuck again on where to move things forward with Speed Seduction® language, and you’ll watch as I demonstrate the power of these scenarios on lovely young Joannie, who is visibly turned on by the whole thing.
Ross Jeffries – Gold Walkups.avi
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