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Robb Judge and Bobby Rio – Unlock her legs
Category: PUA Seduction
2.74 GB
Different title: Bobby Rio – Unlock The Scrambler
Robb Judge and Bobby Rio – Unlock her legs Unlock her legs is a new dating program for men that focuses on using the scrambler effect to manipulate female psychology to your advantage. The program was created by dating experts Rob Judge and Bobby Rio, who are best known from their Make Small Talk Sexy program and TSB Magazine blog. Robb judge is a renowned dating expert who previously worked with Bobby Rio to create the Magnetic Messaging program about texting girls. The two gurus combined their expertise to create Unlock Her Legs a sexy name for a program that explains female psychology. As the name suggests, the main idea behind this program is to teach you how to unlock that hot girl you are really into, so you can finally get a date with her, have her chasing you, and even falling for you. Basically living the straight mans dream.
UNLOCK HER LEGS REVIEW:THE THREE IMPORTANT MODULES unlock her legs scrambler effect The whole program is divided into three modules, each designed to teach you different facets of dating. These are: The Scrambler Effect This explains a simple mind game that you can use to get a woman thinking about you more and more, until she finally convinces herself she must be in love with you. It will teach you how to use a range of psychological tactics such as pattern interrupts, unpredictable rewards and the zeingarnik effect to name just but a few. The manual includes step-b-step instructions n how to succeed with it, and shows you how to handle every step by employing the 12 powerful seduction weapons. The 12 seduction weapons These are 12 extremely effective seduction weapons that can be used together with The scrambler to target specific areas of a womans mind The lust system This section teaches you how to act around the girl. While The scrambler explains the psychological aspect of seduction, LUST is geared towards enhancing the physical aspect of seduction. The system will teach what to do and say when she is near you and when time is right for you to make you move.
HOW DOES THE SCRAMBLER AFFECT WORK? This wouldnt be a real Unlock Her Legs review with out explaining the Scrambler Effect. The scrambler effect reveals secret ways to become hot and powerful and becomes the girls center of attraction. The key to making a woman do whatever you want is to create a chase reflex. To trigger the Chase reflex, the techniques uses four basic principles. These are Creating uncertainty Mystery and drama are what keep women interested in men. Therefore, your biggest mistake would be to tell her every single thing that happens in your life and how you have fallen for her. Instead, you should make her uncertain about the status of the relation so that she can think about you all the time. This section will teach you a few tips to plant the seed of uncertainty in her mind and get her extremely curious about you. Shifting power This section focuses on shifting the balance of power in a relationship. Contains techniques to make her shift focus to you and do things to impress you. Ultimately, the goal of this section is to help you gain power and take control of the relationship. Making her seek your approval The third section teaches how to make her seek approval. By using these techniques you will be able to enjoy all the fruits of the relationship as the girl will be always seeking your validation. This means you will have control of her mind. Building anticipation The fourth section of the scrambler effect focuses on making her anticipate every single move you make. The more a woman anticipates you, the sooner she will let herself go with you. This is the most important section of the program. The creators included a number of effective techniques that you can use to turn that sex switch in her mind.
DOES UNLOCK HER LEGS WORK? Unlock Her Legs ReviewedThere are definitely many important lessons in Unlock Her Legs that can really improve the quality of a mans dating life. The provided psychological strategies such as the zegarnik effect are proven and have been helping men effectively get inside a womans head to convince her that you are the man shes always wanted. Combined with the list system, this makes for a radical, comprehensive and all powerful training program a man can ever need. Moreover, the creators offer a 60 day guaranty on the program in case it does not work. Pros It is impossible to put a price on getting the woman of your dreams, yet the Unlock Her Legs program just goes for a cheap price. You will definitely get value considering the change it will have on your life. It can work on all sorts of girls regardless of how you previously related. Instead of despising you, he program will get girls trusting you, noticing you and more. It improves the quality of the relationship that subsequently follows. Cons You will have to go through a lot of material to make the system work. Moreover, it also takes time to learn how to take full advantage of each technique and combine them for a favorable outcome.
UNLOCK HER LEGS REVIEW OUR VERDICT Based on a seemingly simple formula and unbelievably easy to understand tactics, Unlock Her Legs is definitely a god solution to an unhappy life devoid of fun and sex. And what do you have to lose?
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