Rob Judge – The 4 elements of Game

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After years of trial and error, Rob Judge and Zack Bauer pooled their collective knowledge of meeting, attracting, and dating incredible, beautiful women.

In less than 5 minutes, you can be reading the book that rewrote the dating advice industry. Rather than rehashing muddled theories and scripted behavior, “The 4 Elements of Game” breaks female attraction down to two essential factors: TENSION and RELEASE.

By identifying these complimentary factors, men can tune into the “vibe” when interacting with women. An attractive “vibe” is simply a healthy balance of tension and release. Too much tension leads to awkward moments and too much release leads to a woman feeling like you’re “just a friend”; if balanced, however, tension and release keeps you in the “sweet spot” where everything hits: you know exactly what to say, you make all the right moves at all the right times, your jokes are perfect, and your attitude is carefree and sexy.

To bring out that perfect balance, “The 4 Elements of Game” consist of two elements for tension (DRIVE and MECHANICS) and two elements for release (INSPIRATION and CONNECTION).

Once you read “The 4 Elements of Game” you’ll understand how to genuinely get to know a woman (connection) while understanding what you should do next (mechanics). Likewise, you’ll flirt with a woman (inspiration) at the right times, and get physical with her (drive) at the right times.

You will be able to recognize if an interaction is starting to go south before the girl gets turned off and leaves or breaks up with you. It’ll be as simple as assessing where you are in relation to the 4-EG system.

This system is NOT complicated: if you’re “coming on too strong,” you know to counter-balance your drive with inspiration. Similarly, if you’re in danger of being put in the “friend zone”, you step up your mechanics.

This system is so frighteningly simple that learning it puts you in serious danger of meeting the girl of your dreams. Rest assured that you’re going to learn to attract amazing women while acting totally normal and “be yourself.”



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