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Mike Pitt - Quora For Business
$150.00 Original price was: $150.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Results – Driven Business Website Management Essentials
$67.00 Original price was: $67.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Category: Business
Name Product: Results-Driven Business Website Management Essentials
Download Size: 393 MB
Author: Di-Di Hoffman
Transform a dead, or ailing, website into the Star Performer of your 2016 Marketing Team. Even if you are techno-phobic!
I don’t need to tell you this… but today the website is the star player in the marketing team. Irrespective of the industry you play in.
Sadly, very few websites live up to this expectation. They just sit there, consuming resources without contributing anything to the business.
This means that we waste valuable resources, and we miss out on arguably the most productive, and cost effective, marketing tool we have at our disposal.
Why is this happening? Why are most business websites not even earning their keep?
Because we don’t know how to coach the website into becoming a star performer. Into becoming the star revenue generator, cost saver and relationship builder of the team.
What am I going to get from this course?
*Over 27 lectures and 2 hours of content!
*Architect a game plan to turn a dead website into the star performer of the marketing team.
*Drive measurable results from any business website with a game plan that includes actionable outcomes, targets and a traffic acquisition plan.
*Use the basic website management process to guide the I.T. people, designers and copy writers involved in the website.
*Design tactical digital marketing game plans with the help of a step-by-step master game plan. so that you can outsmart, rather than outspend, competitors.
*Install a Google Analytics Website Management Dashboard to measure the performance of the website and web related digital marketing campaigns.
*Fix the top eight rookie website management mistakes.
*This is an executive level business website management course, it’s NOT a technical level IT, webmaster, web design, or web development course.
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