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Infopreneur Ninja Regina Anaejionu
WEBRip | English | MP4 + PDF Guides | 960 x 600 | AVC ~671 kbps | 30 fps
AAC | 128 Kbps | 44.1 KHz | 2 channels | 36:10:09 | 12.6 GB
Genre: eLearning Video / Online Business, Sales, Marketing
WEBRip | English | MP4 + PDF Guides | 960 x 600 | AVC ~671 kbps | 30 fps
AAC | 128 Kbps | 44.1 KHz | 2 channels | 36:10:09 | 12.6 GB
Genre: eLearning Video / Online Business, Sales, Marketing
If you have knowledge, skills, and passion for a certain topic that really excites you . . . and you want to make money helping people, this is the class for you.
Chances are you’re already an infopeneur or are on your way to becoming an infopreneur-someone who can monetize their information. This class guides you through the process of establishing and growing a business based on helping others, teaching, creating courses, writing books, etc. It can be a seriously epic way to earn a full-time income or increase your quality of life.
Chances are you’re already an infopeneur or are on your way to becoming an infopreneur-someone who can monetize their information. This class guides you through the process of establishing and growing a business based on helping others, teaching, creating courses, writing books, etc. It can be a seriously epic way to earn a full-time income or increase your quality of life.
+Visual Arsenal
2016-04-07 21-15-45.gif
+Create Courses That Matter
–Session 1
1 Plannin-Outlining-Naming-Pricing-Host…ur-Course.pdf
1 The Slides (for Session 1 + 2) _ byRegina.htm
2 Planning, Outlining, and Naming Your Course.mp4
2 The Training and Q+A (2 hours) _ byRegina.htm
–Session 2
1 Plannin-Outlining-Naming-Pricing-Host…ur-Course.pdf
1 The Slides (for Session 1 + 2) _ byRegina.htm
2 Pricing, Hosting, and Automating Your Course.mp4
2 The Training and Q+A (1 hr 40 minutes) _ byRegina.htm
–Session 3
Protecting and Copyrighting Your Course.mp4
The Training and Q+A (1 hr 10 minutes) _ byRegina.htm
–Session 4
How to Create Epic Digital Downloads wi…Pages ’09.mp4
Producing Your Course Videos, Worksheet…ollateral.mp4
–Session 5
Promoting and Selling Your Course.mp4
Workbook and Worksheets Download _ byRegina.htm
Here’s your upgrade link. _ byRegina.htm
+Infopreneur Ninja
How to Build a Trust-Worthy Reputation … byRegina.htm
How to Transition from Freelancer to In… byRegina.htm
–Making Your First $100, $1K
1 Affiliate-Ninja-Workshop.pdf
2 Monetizing-Through-Affiliates-Slides.pdf
2 The Presentation Slides _ byRegina.htm
3 How to Make Your First $100, $1K, and…mmissions.mp4
3 Video Training (1.25 Hours) _ byRegina.htm
The 10-page Workbook _ byRegina.htm
–Module 1
1 The Types of Info Products
2 The Passive to Active Income Spectrum
3 25 Places to Get Product Ideas
4 Deciding Which Product Types Best Fit Your Ideas
5 Knowing Where to Start
–Module 2
1 Creating Your Product Plan Based on Buckets
2 Creating Your Product Pyramid
3 Using a Humanized Sales Approach to Plan Content
4 Creating Clear Paths Through Your Con… and Products
5 Creating Your Queue and Figuring Out …orks Together
–Module 3
1 Ways to Monetize Your Blog, Podcasts,… byRegina.htm
2 Creating-Membership-or-Subscription-P…ms-Slides.pdf
2 Creating-Membership-and-Subscription-Programs.pdf
2 How to Create Subscription Models or … byRegina.htm
2 How to Create Subscription Models or … byRegina.mp4
3 How to Create Passive Income from Phy… byRegina.htm
3 Physical-Product-Creation-Slides.pdf
3 Physical-Product-Venn.pdf
3 ProductCreationGreatness.xlsx
3 Stand-Out-with-Physical-Products.pdf
4 How to Monetize Online Events (Other … byRegina.htm
5 How to Get Into Speaking _ byRegina.htm
6 Quick Links Payment Platforms for Ph… byRegina.htm
1 BONUS How to Launch + Sell Info Prod… byRegina.htm
1 BONUS- How to Launch + Sell Info Prod… byRegina.mp4
1 Launching-and-Selling-as-an-Infoprene…orksheets.pdf
2 Humanized-Sales.pdf
2 The Humanized Approach to Sales _ byRegina.htm
3 Effective-Sales-Pages-Worksheets.pdf
3 How to Create Sales Pages That Work _ byRegina.htm
4 How to Start Audience-Building for Yo…m Scratch.mp4
4 How to Sell Through Email _ byRegina.htm
5 How to Use Workshops, Webinars, and P… byRegina.htm
5 Product-Launch-Workshop-Series.pdf
5 Product-Launch-Periscope-Campagin.pdf
6 How to Use Your Blog or Podcast to He… byRegina.htm
6 Product-Launch-Blog-Post-Campagin.pdf
7 CourseLaunchEditorialPlan.xlsx
7 Developing a Launch Plan and Creating… byRegina.mp4
7 Developing a Launch Plan and Creating… byRegina.htm
–The Infopreneur Workshop
The 15-page Workbook _ byRegina.htm
The Infopreneur Workshop.mp4
+Ninja Sales School (The Bundle Options)
–Ninja Sales School
Make Your Workbook in Adobe InDesign – byRegina.mp4
Ninja Sales School Workshop Slides.pdf
The Slides _ byRegina.htm
The Workshop _ byRegina.htm
The Workshop – byRegina.mp4
The Workbook _ byRegina.htm
–Setting Up ConvertKit for Email Automations
Set Up Automations in ConvertKit – byRegina.mp4
Set Up ConvertKit from Scratch – byRegina.mp4
–Workbook School
Get Your Adobe InDesign Template _ byRegina.htm
Get Your Apple Pages Template _ byRegina.htm
Make Your Workbook in Apple Pages – byRegina.mp4
+Online Workshop Ninja
–1 Getting Started
The Workshop Workbook Your official gu… byRegina.htm
Why host workshops _ byRegina.htm
–2 Section 1
1 Pick a workshop topic
2 Determine your workshop’s focus and purpose
3 Pick one of the 7 types of workshops
4 Outline your workshop
5 Determine necessary lead time
6 Plan your workshop trail and automations
7 Plan your tagging + contact management
8 Learn the benefits
–3 Section 2
1 Create your landing page. _ byRegina.htm
2 Build in the must-have elements of a … byRegina.htm
2 Nail down your software and equipment. – byRegina.mp4
3 Bonus Workshop Collateral Checklist _ byRegina.htm
3 The-Ultimate-Online-Workshop-Collateral-Checklist.pdf
4 Create your agenda. _ byRegina.htm
5 Develop your bonuses. _ byRegina.htm
6 Create your pre-workshop homework + o… byRegina.htm
6 The Pre-Event and Presenting Checklist.pdf
7 Put your workshop and email sequence … byRegina.htm
8 Bonus Video- Setting up tags and auto… byRegina.mp4
8 Bonus Video Setting up tags and auto… byRegina.htm
9 Frame your free or paid workshop. _ byRegina.htm
The Post-Event Checklist.pdf
–4 Section 3
1 Prepare a ‘sticky’ workshop (before, … byRegina.htm
2 Nail down your software and equipment. _ byRegina.htm
3 Create epic slides. _ byRegina.htm
–5 Section 4
1 Build in breaks, refocus points, and … byRegina.htm
2 Create interactivity through chat. _ byRegina.htm
3 Create easy links for everything. _ byRegina.htm
4 Set yourself up for sales during or a… byRegina.htm
5 Create the ideal setup day of. _ byRegina.htm
6 Bonus Pre-Event Checklist, Presentin… byRegina.htm
7 Deliver epically with these 7 unique … byRegina.htm
8 Promote, sell, or encourage opt-ins d… byRegina.htm
–6 Section 5
1 Decide what to do with your workshop … byRegina.htm
2 Make important changes to your landin… byRegina.htm
3 Timecode (and caption) your video for… byRegina.htm
4 Repackage your workshop as an opt-in. _ byRegina.htm
5 Repackage your workshop for sale. _ byRegina.htm
6 Place your workshop links in your cur… byRegina.htm
7 Sell an upgrade to your workshop (or … byRegina.htm
8 Bonus Post-Event Checklist _ byRegina.htm
8 The Post-Event Checklist_2.pdf
–7 Bonus Training
The Infopreneur Workshop.mp4
The Workshop (2.5 Hours) _ byRegina.htm
2016-03-26 05-02-36.gif
+Zero to Self-Published Book
1 Agenda, Worksheets, and Link to Our P… byRegina.htm
2 #ZeroToBook- Plan, Research, Write, a…Your Book.mp4
2 Sections 1 + 2 Why Self-Publish Plu… byRegina.htm
3 #ZeroToBook- Design Your Book’s Layou…e a Champ.mp4
3 Sections 3 + 4 How to Lay Out Your B… byRegina.htm
4 #ZeroToBook- Create Your Publishing H… and More.mp4
4 Sections 5, 6, and 7 How to Set Up Y… byRegina.htm
–Section 1
1 Traditional Publishing vs. Self-Publi… byRegina.htm
2 How Self-Publishing Can Be a Profitab… byRegina.htm
3 What it Looks Like to Self-Publish as… byRegina.htm
–Section 2
1 25 Idea-Generating Prompts for Your B… byRegina.htm
1 Info-Product-Idea-Brainstorming-Worksheets.pdf
2 Set Your Goals and Be Clear _ byRegina.htm
2 Set-Your-Goals.pdf
–Section 3
1 Choose-Your-Approach.pdf
1 The Four Most Profitable Approaches t… byRegina.htm
2 Titling and Subtitling Your Book _ byRegina.htm
–Section 4
1 Creating Your Rough Draft Outline _ byRegina.htm
2 How to Research and Finalize Your Out… byRegina.htm
2 How to Research and Finalize Your Out… byRegina.mp4
2 Self-PublishingBookOutline.xlsx
–Section 5
1 The Two Effective Writing Approaches … byRegina.htm
2 An eBook Template for You (and a Less… byRegina.htm
2 An eBook Template for You (and a Less… byRegina.mp4
2 AudienceNinja-Class Files.zip
–Section 6
1 The Five Types (and Levels) of Editin… byRegina.htm
2 How to Self-Edit and Why to Hire an E… byRegina.htm
2 How to Self-Edit and Why to Hire an E… byRegina.mp4
–Section 7
1 Book Layout Hiring vs. DIY and Softw… byRegina.htm
2 Bonus The Infopreneur’s Printed Book… byRegina.htm
3 Creating a Layout Guide for Your Book… byRegina.htm
3 Creating a Layout Guide for Your Book… byRegina.mp4
3 Layout Guide for Print.pdf
4 Apple Pages ’09 Tutorial (Videos Comi… byRegina.htm
5 How to Create Epic Digital Downloads …Pages ’09.mp4
5 Previous Apple Pages ’09 Tutorial _ byRegina.htm
–Section 8
1 Book Cover Hiring vs. DIY and Softwa… byRegina.htm
2 Bonus The Infopreneur’s Printed Book… byRegina.htm
2 Book-Cover-Checklist.pdf
3 Bonus Promotion Graphics and Collate… byRegina.htm
3 Book-Promotion-Graphics-and-Collateral-Checklist.pdf
4 Creating Book Covers with Adobe Photo… byRegina.htm
4 Creating Book Covers with Adobe Photo… byRegina.mp4
5 Creating Book Cover Mockups with Adob… byRegina.htm
5 Creating Book Cover Mockups with Adob… byRegina.mp4
–Section 9
1 Setting Up Shop and Choosing a Busine… byRegina.htm
2 Protecting Your Business (Copyrights,… byRegina.htm
3 Applying for an ISBN and Getting a Ca… byRegina.htm
3 Applying for an ISBN and Getting a Ca… byRegina.mp4
–Section 10
1 Analyzing Your Options, Formats, Size… byRegina.htm
2 eBook Publishing Options _ byRegina.htm
3 Pricing Your Book _ byRegina.htm
3 Pricing-Your-Book.pdf
4 Ordering Proofs and Promotional Copies _ byRegina.htm
4 Ordering Proofs and Promotional Copies – byRegina.mp4
5 The Basics of Distribution How will … byRegina.htm
5 The Basics of Distribution- How will … byRegina.mp4
6 BookBudgetandBookProfits.xlsx
6 Calculating Book Profits and Setting … byRegina.htm
–Section 11
1 Book Formats and Channels Worksheet.pdf
1 Planning and Understanding Your Sales… byRegina.htm
1 Planning and Understanding Your Sales… byRegina.mp4
2 Launching-and-Selling-a-Book1.pdf
2 Planning Your Landing_Sales Page _ byRegina.htm
3 Building a FREE Landing Page with Boo… byRegina.mp4
3 Building a FREE Landing Page with Boo… byRegina.htm
4 Coming up with Launch Events and Ongo… byRegina.mp4
4 Coming up with Launch Events and Ongo… byRegina.htm
4 Launching-and-Selling-a-Book1.pdf
5 BookLaunchEditorialPlan.xlsx
5 Creating a Launch Plan and Editorial … byRegina.htm
5 Creating a Launch Plan and Editorial … byRegina.mp4
5 Launching-and-Selling-a-Book1.pdf
6 Launching-and-Selling-a-Book1.pdf
6 Setting Up -Perfect Paths- for Consis… byRegina.mp4
6 Setting Up ‘Perfect Paths’ for Consis… byRegina.htm
7 BookMarketingPlan.docx
7 Creating Your Book’s Marketing Plan – byRegina.mp4
7 Creating Your Book’s Marketing Plan _ byRegina.htm
Join us in the community! _ byRegina.htm
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Shipping & Delivery
- The digital files are uploaded on PCLOUD
- 12-24 hours delivery time
- the download links expire after 7 days and need to download them
- to renew the download link after expiration have one additional fee $5 per product
Also we accept requests (in this page) and course exchanges
In Course exchanges we are sending credits only
The credits will be the same price as we can sell course
No Refunds on digital product
- Because of the abuse of the refunds from many customers i don't accept refunds
- We accept only 1 time exchange with product of the same price
- if you done mistake on the exchangeable product i don't recognize it as your mistake
- Exchanges only 3 days after the payment of your digital product. (if abused again i will do it 1 day)
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