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Rachel Rofe – The Low Hanging System | 420 MB
Hey there, Don here.
Over the last few weeks Ive been watching my beautiful girlfriend sell thousands
of dollars worth of GearBubble products in a way that almost nobody else is doing.
She puts them up on Amazon and other giant searchable marketplaces, runs no ads
to them, and they sell.
Its pretty crazy really.
She even uses an APP to create 9 out of 10 of the designs that she sells. So she
has zero design costs.
1 ZERO Design Costs
2 ZERO Ad Costs
3a DAILY Sales.
And the coolest part is she has barely spent any time on this. Maybe like 10 hours.
She did most of it in her spare time and just outsourced it all to VA now so it all
runs passively.
This is something anyone can do and Ive been watching it work right in front of
me every day for a while. I even started trying it myself, Im already getting sales
with no ad costs on things I already had laying around. Even some of my designs that
flopped with PPC still work with this. So if you have a bunch of designs laying around,
youre sitting on a goldmine with this. If you dont, that app and Rachels strategies
are going to make your life a whole lot better because you wont have design costs and
her top sellers were actually made with an app. Crazy.
Watch the review video on this page, then check out my GIANT bonus below. The course
will work for you if you implement it, no doubt. And my bonus package is worth WAY more
than the price of admission on its own.
Id HIGHLY recommend getting this while my bonus package is available for it.
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Shipping & Delivery
- The digital files are uploaded on PCLOUD
- 12-24 hours delivery time
- the download links expire after 7 days and need to download them
- to renew the download link after expiration have one additional fee $5 per product
Also we accept requests (in this page) and course exchanges
In Course exchanges we are sending credits only
The credits will be the same price as we can sell course
No Refunds on digital product
- Because of the abuse of the refunds from many customers i don't accept refunds
- We accept only 1 time exchange with product of the same price
- if you done mistake on the exchangeable product i don't recognize it as your mistake
- Exchanges only 3 days after the payment of your digital product. (if abused again i will do it 1 day)
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