Race And Kelly – Window Shopping for Women



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Window Shopping for Women System (WS4W System)


1. Intro

2. Profile Design

There is a lot that goes into setting up a successful profile and by following our simple steps, you’ll be up and running in no time. If you don’t have an account on a social networking site, sign up now so you can create your profile as we go along. A good profile is essential and the rest of our training videos will assume that you have one.

Some of the tips include:
* How to pick the right pictures (and if you don’t have any how to go get some)
* How to pick a headline
* How to come up with captions that triple the effectiveness of your pictures by demonstrating different attractive qualities
* How to get girls to add comments to your page
* What to put in your About Me, Who I’d Like to Meet, and Interests sections

3. Openers

Here is where the real fun begins. Now that you have a kick ass profile set up that communicates your attractive qualities, it is time to actually start “window shopping for women”. We will show you how to do this in two parts.

In part one, we answer the biggest question guy’s have when it comes to meeting women online: “Why aren’t women responding to my messages?” Chances are you are making one or more of the common mistakes guys make when messaging girls. In this video we show you examples of ineffective opening messages and explain why they don’t work. Then we show you a couple of openers we use every week to consistently compel girls to respond to us.

Wondering how to find the perfect woman online? In the second installment we show you how to use the browse features on MySpace and Facebook to do just that. In addition to covering the basics, we will show you the time saving techniques we’ve learned over the years so you can efficiently message up to 30 girls in under 5 minutes.

4. Browsing for Women
In this video we are going to show you how to browse for the women of your dreams. You want a girl named Katie who is between the age of 19 and 24, 5′4, lives within 5 miles of you and has an athletic body? No problem! We are going to show you how.

We have been doing this for quite some time now. Along the way we have learned many little shortcuts that have sped up the process and maximized our time meeting women online and we want to share them with you. In fact, using these shortcuts you can easily message 10+ girls in under 5 minutes!

5. Moving the Conversation Forward
If you have been following along so far and putting our simple steps into place you should have an inbox full of women waiting to talk to you. Now what? Well it’s time to transition from the opener right into a full blown conversation full of flirting and fun. You do this by using transitional phrases, conversational hooks, role-playing, fun games, and a variety of other proven methods only on Window Shopping for Women

* Profile Design Intro
* Profile Design Instructions
* Profile Critique
* Browsing for Women
* Spotting Fake Profiles
* Openers Intro
* Openers Examples
* Moving the Convo forward Intro
* Moving the Convo forward
* Re-Engage Intro
* Re-Engage Girls
* Re-Engage Example
* Seeding the Invite
* Shit Tests Intro
* Shit Tests
* Transitioning Offline Intro
* Transitioning Offline

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