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Quit Vaping: Your Four-Step, 28-Day Program to Stop Smoking E-Cigarettes
$10.00 Original price was: $10.00.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
Category: Health
English | ISBN: 0143135872 | 2020 | EPUB + MOBI + AZW3 + PDF | 256 pages | 4.99 MB
Brad Lamm, Mehmet Oz M.D., “Quit Vaping: Your Four-Step, 28-Day Program to Stop Smoking E-Cigarettes”
The first-ever book on how to quit vaping will help you stop for good and improve your lung health.
Vaping has become an urgent public health crisis. Almost 15 million Americans not only are consuming concentrations of nicotine more potent and addictive than traditional cigarettes, but they also are inhaling deadly carcinogens such as formaldehyde, benzene, and propylene glycol, an ingredient in anti-freeze. Vapers are dying, health professionals are sounding the alarm, and parents are struggling to help their addicted teenagers.
Certified interventionist Brad Lamm debunks the myths spread by the thriving e-cigarette industry and its supporters, revealing the truth about the effects of inhaling these highly dangerous aerosols. Then he offers a step-by-step blueprint to break free of its grip. This simple, 28-day program provides specific actions to take, day by day, as you free yourself from nicotine addiction. Key information and special considerations throughout help and guide parents of young vapers through the process as well. Learn how to create a quit plan, build a support team, follow a detox, change your inner dialogue, manage your cravings, and become a non-vaper. The plan offers a rich variety of strategies, tactics, hacks, exercises, research, and inspiring stories of people who have quit the habit using Lamm’s proven program.
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