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15,0 GB
Simple Pickup have developed a cult following ever since they started posting videos of themselves picking up girls while taking on absurd challenges. They have gone out onto the streets and picked up countless girls while dressed as animated characters, Harry Potter, emos and even while in wheelchairs. The results are eye-opening and often hilarious.
While these videos are primarily focused on entertainment, their subscription service Project Go is designed to show you what they do when they are actually picking up women without the silly challenges.
Who Is Simple Pickup?
Jesse, Kong and Jason are the three guys who film themselves approaching women, usually in the Los Angeles area. They’re all in their 20s and most of the girls they talk to are in the college age bracket.
Their overall style could be best summed up as being very direct and confident, mixed with humor. All three are great at improvisation and come up with some really funny and clever things to say on the spot. They’re all quite average guys in terms of looks, and Kong and Jesse often joke about their ethnic backgrounds with girls, which boosts the attraction. This is really great to see for Asian guys who have any trouble attracting Caucasian girls.
Most of their interactions involve approaching a girl directly or doing something ballsy to get her attention. They’ve built up a really high tolerance to social pressure and will go for the girl no matter the situation or who is around watching them. There’s often a lot of sexual innuendo in their conversations and they make it very clear they are interested in the girl.
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