Oil Painting Project – Monsoon Meadows



 Oil Painting Project – Monsoon Meadows
English | 1hr 31m | Video: 720p | 1.21 GB

In this class, I’ll introduce you to the M3 process of painting which I developed to teach painting to beginner and intermediate level artists. In this method, I breakdown and simplify the painting process into 3 simple steps, we use just 3 colors plus white and just 3 brushes to complete the painting.

Join this class to see how this method removes the complexity of the painting process and helps even beginner artists paint better paintings.

In the first step, I take a photo I clicked during the monsoon season and use it to compose a painting.
The second step involves blocking in the big shapes and the final step involves painting the finer details to give finishing touches to the painting.

I’m sure that after watching this class, you’ll feel confident to paint a painting yourself even if you have not held a paintbrush in your hand before.

More info – _https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Oil-Painting-Project-Monsoon-Meadows/54599985?via=search-layout-grid

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