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Published 8/2023
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 921.50 MB | Duration: 3h 9m
overview of research process ,types of scientific research ,research sampling
What you’ll learn
understand why research is important in nursing healthcare.
Discuss the need for evidenced-based practice.
Describe the process of developing and refining a research problem.
Describe the function and characteristics of research hypothesis.
Distinguish the functions and forms statements of purpose and research questions for quantitative and qualitative studies.
This course is helpful to beginners as it also can help those some familiarity with research.
This course is designed to introduce students to the scientific research process, research methodologies and the contributions of research to the improvement of nursing practice. It focuses on understanding, analyzing, and applying research findings to resolve nursing problem and improve outcomes. The course also provides nursing students with competencies necessary to read, evaluate, and interpret findings of nursing research studies. Emphasis is placed on applying research methodology and ethical consideration in development of a research proposal for evidence-based practice.The outcome will be evidenced by the student’s achievement of the following competencies: 1. Discuss the importance of nursing research and how research expands knowledge in various nursing fields. 3 2. Define the variety of roles nurses may assume in the research process. 3. Discuss the elements of ethical nursing research. 4. Appreciate the importance of accountability for the utilization of nursing research in nursing practice, education and/or management.5. Examine the concepts relevant to nursing research methods. 6. Compare and contrast the major purposes and approaches used in quantitative and qualitative research in nursing. 7. Examine the steps of the qualitative research process. 8. Examine different methodologies in research reports.9. Apply critical thinking skills in the evaluation of published nursing research 10.Appraise nursing research studies for their utility in nursing practice and evidencebased nursing.
Section 1: Essential of Nursing Research
Lecture 1 Important of Research in Nursing Field
Lecture 2 Definition of Research
Lecture 3 Building Blocks in Research
Lecture 4 Overview Types of Research & Evidence Based Practices .
Lecture 5 Research Paper Outline
Lecture 6 Research Terminology
Section 2: Preliminary Steps in Quantitative Research
Lecture 7 Understanding Quantitative Research
Lecture 8 Identifying the Steps of Quantitative Research Process
Lecture 9 a nurse guide in quantitative research method
Lecture 10 Formulating Research Question
Lecture 11 Sampling in Quantitative Research
Lecture 12 Elements of Informed Consent
Section 3: Understanding Qualitative Research
Lecture 13 Introduction to Qualitative Research Method
Lecture 14 Example of Qualitative Research Method
Lecture 15 Qualitative Design Features
Lecture 16 Qualitative Research type
Lecture 17 Sampling in Qualitative Research
Lecture 18 Ethics in Nursing Research
this course helps students learn how to read and critique research report and to develop an appreciation of research .
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