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899 MB
Are you tired of being stuck in the same negative habits, but don’t know how to change? Do you feel like old fears and unnecessary limitations and are holding you back from getting extraordinary results in your life, but you don’t know how to break free?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, Neuro Linguistic Programming may be just what you need to create drastic positive change in your life.
You have the power to rewrite your habits!
If you want to feel amazing, both physically and mentally, NLP is a perfect way to chart your way to a happier, healthier life. Believe it or not, NLP is extremely simple to learn – you just need to know how.
Become the master of your psychology with the NLP Self Mastery Mega Bundle!
This book contains 12 manuscripts to help you master your psychology:
✔ NLP: Neuro Linguistic Programming: The 10 Most Powerful Tools to Re-Program Your Behavior and Maximize Your Potential
✔ NLP: Persuasive Language Hacks: Instant Social Influence With Subliminal Thought Control and Neuro Linguistic Programming
✔ NLP: Frame Control: Using the Mindset of Power To Get What You Want In Relationships, Business & Life
✔ NLP: Anxiety: Reprogram Your Brain to Eliminate Stress, Fear and Social Anxiety
✔ NLP: Depression: Techniques for Taking Control and Increasing Happiness with Neuro Linguistic Programming
✔ NLP: Stop Dieting: Reprogram Your Eating Habits for Permanent, Effortless Weight Loss
✔ How to Analyze People: Analyze Anyone Instantly: The Best Techniques to Read People like a Book for Increased Influence and Instant Social Leverage
✔ How to Talk to Anyone: 21 Tips for Instant Rapport
✔ Memory Squared: Why Maximizing Your Capacity for Information Can Skyrocket Your Productivity, Success and Happiness
✔ FOCUS: Hack Your Productivity for Massive Success
✔ Speed Reading: Intelligent Reading Hacks for Increasing Speed and Improving Comprehension
✔ The Persuasion Equation: Influence Others With the Science of Persuasive Psychology
In this book you will learn:
✔ Over 50 of the most effective NLP techniques to guide you on the path to self transformation
✔ How to build positive thought habits, one step at a time
✔ Techniques to implant suggestions into the subconscious for maximum, rapid effect
✔ How to ramp up people skills & rapport
✔ The most effective techniques to improve Memory and Focus to get more done in less time
This book is highly actionable, with step-by-step exercises for each technique and a Free Workbooksincluded, to guide you on your journey of self-mastery.
Stop engaging in negative thought patterns of limitation. When you change your thought patterns, you change your state of mind. Get in touch with your psychology and create more success in your life than you ever thought possible!
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