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Sedona Method - Big Kahuna Bundle
$197.00 Original price was: $197.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Nick Morgan – Trust Me: Four Steps to Authenticity and Charisma
Category: PUA Seduction
2.05 MB
Nick Morgan shows how anyone can be an effective speaker by presenting an image of authenticity and respect for their audience, whether in a group presentation or a one-on-one conversation. He presents a four-step process, perfected in his teaching at Harvard, that enables the reader to use their own personal speaking style while becoming a more persuasive and charismatic communicator and leader. The basis of this process is the fact that when words and body language are in conflict, body language wins every time. This isn’t easy to overcome, because normally body language is immediate, while the words lag slightly behind, and even a momentary conflict is perceptible to the audience. The key to success is to train your body language to unconsciously align with your message.
The four steps:
- Form the attitude and intent to be open, and then let your body naturally express that intent. This feeling of openness will naturally affect the content of what you are saying, and it’s that natural evolution that is at the heart of the process.
- Become connected to your audience. This creates a mutual energy, and you will naturally begin to think in terms of what the audience wants and needs in shaping your content.
- Ask yourself, what’s my underlying emotion? Why does this matter to me? Becoming passionate about what you have to say naturally makes your audience care about it too.
- Really listen to the audience. Understanding their needs and reactions will enable you to direct your communication in mutually beneficial ways.
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