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MP4 | Video: h264, 1152×720 | Audio: AAC, 48000 Hz, 2 Ch
Language: English | Size: 6.35 GB | Duration: 28h 45m
Language: English | Size: 6.35 GB | Duration: 28h 45m
It’s easy to fire up Wireshark and capture some packets.but making sense of them is another story.
There’s nothing more frustrating than knowing the answers you need lie in a mountain of data that you don’t know how to sift through. That’s why I wrote the first Practical Packet Analysis book a decade ago. That book is now in its third edition, has been translated to several languages, and has sold over 25,000 copies. Now, I’m excited to create an online course based on the book. The Practical Packet Analysis online course is the best way to get hands on visual experience capturing, dissecting, and making sense of packets.
Practical Packet Analysis takes a fundamental approach by exploring the concepts you need to know without all the fluff that is normally associated with learning about network protocols. Everything you’ll learn is something you can directly apply to the job you have, or the job you want. The ability to understand packets is a critical skill for network eeers, system administrators, security analysts, forensic investigators, and programmers alike. This class will help you build those skills through a series of expert-led lectures, scenario-based demonstrations, and hands-on lab exercises.
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