Neil Strauss – 31 Day Master Program – StyleLife : Online Academy for Attraction



1.70 GB

StyleLife 31 Day Master Program The World’s 1st  Online Academy for Attraction Download

The Stylelife Academy was founded by top ranked pickup artist Neil Strauss (aka Style) as the world’s 1st “Online Academy for Attraction”. The Academy’s personalized attraction and motivation programs and coaching instruct each member to succeed in challenging love and life situations, helps them realize life’s full potential and succeed in meeting, attracting, and keeping the women of their dreams.

Stylelife Academy is the only complete Self-Improvement-System that is personalized for each member to unbury and shape his best self at his own pace. It delivers exclusively the latest exercises and material, the most knowledgeable and experienced teachers to each individual member.

Using Stylelife Academy’s website new members complete a personal profile questionnaire to determine their tailored program and coaching. Based on these results they are offered a personalized improvement plan that provides them with daily knowledge, missions, demonstrations and advice that fits their lifestyle, experience level and pace.

To ensure success, members have access to an exclusive Stylelife Community through which they can garner real-time motivation and support from Stylelife’s PUA experts and member peers.

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