Mindvalley – Brian Johnson’s – Philosophers Notes



Mindvalley   Brian Johnson’s   Philosophers Notes

Brian Johnsons Philosophers Notes

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The most transformational Big Ideas from 100 of the greatest personal growth books at your fingertips (and eyes and ears). Beautiful to look at and powerful to use, these mini-CliffsNotes™ of personal growth will inspire and empower you to live your deepest truths.


1,000 BIG ideas to rock your life.

You know how every great book has 5-25 really Big Ideas you like to underline and asterisk and fold the page over on so you can quickly come back to ‘em later? Well, what Brian’s done is gone thru these 100 great books and pulled out about 10 Big Ideas from each—the Ideas that literally have the power to change our lives.

Discover the interconnection between the eternal truths.

No man is an island and neither are these books. As you read the PhilosophersNotes you’ll see how the eternal truths are echoed again and again (and again!) by all the various teachers. Brian ties them together and helps form an interconnection that represents the BIG picture of life. You’ll see that these Big Ideas support one other, making each Idea stronger. In fact, you’ll learn faster as your mind forms these powerful links.

Real stories help make these ideas actionable immediately.

With PhilosophersNotes, you’ll be given direct how-to-rock-it instructions that will take theory into practice immediately. We’re not interested in helping you understand an Idea—we want to help you LIVE it. No abstract ideas and vague concepts here. In each Note, the Big Ideas are explained with great stories for faster recall and easier learning. You’ll also receive tips (and occasional kicks in the butt) to help you take what you’re learning and apply it to your day-to-day life.

And if you keep applying these truths diligently, patiently, persistently, and playfully, you might just be surprised at how
quickly you start seeing results.

Living your most authentic, extraordinary life doesn’t involve fancy degrees or winning the lottery. What you do need though is applicable wisdom. And that’s exactly what you’ll get with PhilosophersNotes.

Just imagine what your life would be like if, by the end of the day today, you had absorbed the teachings of Deepak Chopra? And by tomorrow, Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People? And by the week’s end, Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Power of Intention and Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker, and by Monday The Power of Now by Eckart Tolle. And then 20 more books by the month’s end. And 20 more in the next month.

The only question is, are you ready to rock your greatest life?

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