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5.22 MB
One Shrink’s Practical Advice for Managing All Life’s Impossible Problems
New York Times Bestseller
The only self-help book you’ll ever need, from a psychiatrist and his comedy writer daughter, who will help you put aside your unrealistic wishes, stop trying to change things you can’t change, and do the best with what you can control—the first steps to managing all of life’s impossible problems.
Here is the cut-to-the-chase therapy session you’ve been looking for!
Need to stop screwing up? Want to become a more positive person?
Do you work with an ass? Think you can rescue an addicted person?
Looking for closure after abuse? Have you realized that your parent is an asshole?
Feel compelled to clear your name? Hope to salvage a lost love?
Want to get a lover to commit? Plagued by a bully?
Afraid of ruining your kid? Ready to vent your anger?
In this brilliantly sensible and funny book, a Harvard-educated shrink and his comedy-writing daughter reveal that the real f-words in life are “feelings” and “fairness.” While most self-help books are about your feelings and fulfilling your wildest dreams, F*ck Feelings will show you how to find a new kind of freedom by getting your head out of your ass and yourself onto the right path toward realistic goals and feasible results. F*ck Feelings is the last self-help book you will ever need! – See more at: http:////books.simonandschuster.com/F*ck-Feelings/Michael-Bennett-
“Gives the middle finger to the self-help genre….Refreshingly blunt.” (Harper’s Bazaar)
“The Ice Bucket Challenge of self-help books…sound advice.” (New York Post)
“A tough-love, irreverent take on ‘life’s impossible problems.’” (The Atlantic)
“F*ck Feelings is the ultimate anti-self-help book.” (Refinery 29)
“A highly informative and entertaining smack down to get your head on straight.” (Kirkus Reviews, starred review)
“Engaging…it’s hard to argue with the book’s advice.” (Elle)
“F*ck Feelings offers not only reliable, practical, and eminently useful advice to deal with all of life’s various points of pain, but it is also funny, engaging, intelligent, and warm. Full of arresting examples and memorable quips, the book will help anyone who reads it to replace fool’s gold with the genuine gem of wisdom.” (Edward Hallowell, M.D., author of Driven to Distraction)
“I don’t trust anything called a “self-help” book which is why I love F*ck Feelings. There’s no smiling guru on the cover. We would all be smiling, motivated, people all day long if our f*cking feelings didn’t keep f*cking us up – but this book helps. It gives clear examples of our own circular thinking and how to accept our feelings but not always cater to them, and it’s FUNNY. Because life – even when it sucks – is FUNNY.” (Jen Kirkman, stand-up comedian and New York Times bestselling author of I Can Barely Take Care of Myself)
“Despite the in-your-face title, Dr. Michael Bennett really does believe in feelings. He just thinks that there is only so much time that one should spend examining one’s belly button searching for answers or getting hung up on guilt or anger. Instead, people should recognize and accept their flaws and get on with modifying or changing their behaviors and attitudes. This is useful advice for everyone, including therapists who can use this technique as a way of helping patients avoid getting stuck in endless therapy. I found myself using it on several of my patients. A great combination – valuable education and a fun read.” (Gail Erlick Robinson MD, DPsych, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Toronto)
“A wise, witty and practical book filled with wonderful case examples that speak to all of us. It has been a pleasure to read. ” (Carol C. Nadelson, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Past President, American Psychiatric Association)
About the Author
Dr. Michael I. Bennett, educated at both Harvard College and Harvard Medical School, is a board-certified psychiatrist, Canadian, and Red Sox fan. While he’s worked in every aspect of his field, from hospital administration to managed care, his major interest is his private practice which he’s been running for almost thirty years. The author of F*ck Feelings, with his daughter Sarah Bennett, he lives with his wife in Boston.
Sarah Bennett has written for magazines, the Internet, television, and books. She also spent two years writing for a monthly sketch comedy show at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater in New York. When not living by her philosophy of “will write for food,” Sarah walks her dog, watches Red Sox games, and avoids eye contact with other humans. Somehow, she lives in New Hampshire and works in New York. F*ck Feelings, written with her father Dr. Michael I. Bennett, is her first book.
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