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Mansoor Ahmad – Complete WordPress – With SEO + AdSense + Security
$20.00 Original price was: $20.00.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
Category: Marketing & Selling
Name Product: Complete WordPress – With SEO + AdSense + Security
Download Size: 1.48 GB
Author: Mansoor Ahmad
Complete WordPress – With SEO + AdSense + Security
Have you been heard the name of WordPress? Yes, and you want to know actually what it is? how does it work? how to earn? etc. But still you haven’t found the right place to learn all these quickly and easily. Now you aren’t at the wrong place, you will know WordPress, you will know the usage of WordPress, you will earn from your WordPress site, you will do SEO of your WordPress site.
Why this course is best for you?
This is all in one pack for your demands. In this course you will learn the WordPress CMS software in deep level, even you haven’t used it before. You will learn the usage of the WordPress in any form you want to use it. You will be able to earn money from your WordPress website. You will learn much more about WordPress which will make you a Professional. You will be able to make your online business with WordPress.
WordPress Expertise:
WordPress is a popular blogging and website platform since long time. More than 17% of the websites are powered by WordPress. It has become more important in the website or blog creating. Through this course, you will become a WordPress Master. You will be able to create any type of website you want with WordPress. You will also be able to provide WordPress services to your clients by making professional and high-end websites for them in order to make money.
WordPress SEO:
Creating a WordPress website is not enough for making your business online perfect, you need to be appeared in the top search engines to have more clients and users. Through this course, you will learn “How to do SEO For WordPress Site”. You will make your WordPress website, that better appear in search engines to increase the organic appearance of the website. This will engage more users to your online website, blog or business.
WordPress Security:
Security is one of the major things should be taken care of. Your WordPress powered website needs to be secured from unwanted attacks and vulnerabilities. In this course, you will learn the securing of your WordPres site. Your site will be secured from most common security holes and vulnerabilities. Your website won’t be hacked easily, that will make you feeling free about your site security.
AdSense is a content monetization platform by Google. Having a great popular website along with traffic, you can easily earn through that website working with AdSense. I will teach you “How to make passive income with AdSense”. Your website along with AdSense can make enough money without any rocket science or hidden tricks. Each and everything is well explained and elaborated so the student can make a great business for him/her self anywhere they want.
What is included in the Course:
– Learn the WordPress completely
– Learn the accurate usage of WordPress CMS
– Learn to create any type of website with WordPress
– Learn to create your E-Commerce business with WordPress
– Learn to create a paid membership site with WordPress
– Learn to create your own forum community
– Learn to safe and secure your WordPress website
– Learn to be safe from hackers
– Learn to do the SEO of your WordPress site
– Learn to earn a lot of money from your site
– Learn about AdSense making money
– and much more
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- The digital files are uploaded on PCLOUD
- 12-24 hours delivery time
- the download links expire after 7 days and need to download them
- to renew the download link after expiration have one additional fee $5 per product
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In Course exchanges we are sending credits only
The credits will be the same price as we can sell course
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- Because of the abuse of the refunds from many customers i don't accept refunds
- We accept only 1 time exchange with product of the same price
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- Exchanges only 3 days after the payment of your digital product. (if abused again i will do it 1 day)
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