Manish Leone – Silent Seduction



Name ProductManish Leone – Silent Seduction
Download Size5,78 GB 
AuthorManish Leone
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Use the “Silent Seduction” to get a women so turned on they are literally squirming her pants to sleep with me and do it all by saying almost to nothing!

The Silent Seduction System. Get her in bed in just 3 simple steps ($1,000 Value)

The Speed Guide. Gets you laid as fast as possible by giving a quick refresher of the system any time you need it. Access discreetly with just a glance. ($47 Value)

The Pleasure Map. This visual map of her body shows you exactly where to touch her to get her turned on fast. This makes the system so EASY! ($37 Value)

Underground Hookup Hotspots. Discover the secret places women go to get laid that almost no men know about. You’ll know exactly where to find these places in your city so you can meet the hottest girls and get laid easy. ($49 Value) …….

The Sex Cave Blueprint. Turn your home into a sexually charged “mating hotspot” that makes women naturally want to remove their clothes and have sex. ($67 Value)

27 Signs She Wants To Fuck. This easy system shows you the hidden “hookup signals” women send when they are desperate to get laid. Once you know what these are, you can score a horny girl and get laid FAST. Use it at a bar, party or even a coffee shop! ($47 Value)

3X Threesome System. How to “tweak” the system to seduce two… even three women at the same time! This advanced level course will take your sex like to the next level. ($169 Value)

High Performance Sex System. Discover secrets to last longer in bed, shoot bigger loads and to get harder, stronger erections that even make your dick look and feel bigger. Maintain your cock to make sure it stays strong, healthy and drives women absolutely wild! No crazy or dangerous supplements, just all-natural techniques. ($70 Value)

This system is designed to show men how to seduce women with silence as the fastest way to sex, and into her heart. It offers unnoticeable body touching techniques to make a woman experience near-orgasm levels of pleasure and attraction towards you.

The system also explains:

– Why it turns women on so fast

– Why it works for most men who try it

– How to use it on a woman you know to get her into bed

Effortlessly build her attraction to you with simple “Arousal Touches” that will turn her on without saying a single word…

1. Module 1 Introduction + Fast Start

2. Module 2 Building Attraction

3. Module 3 Get Sexual and Close the Deal

4. Module 4 Taking Magic’s System into Overdrive

5. Silent Seduction A.S.A.P (Advanced Course)

6. Infield Footage

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