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4.98 MB
Learn How To Overcome Your Fear Of Approaching Women And Specific Words That Generate Attraction And Lust In Women.
Are you looking for a way to meet attractive women everyday and make them yours?
Do you often run into women that you find attractive but walk away because you do not know how to initiate conversation and how to follow up so she ends up becoming your girlfriend?
Do you often go on the dates only to find that a woman loses interest in you?
Do you struggle to captivate a woman’s attention over phone and make her come out for a date?
Do you often end up becoming just friends and have no idea how to turn your female friend in to lover?
If you answered yes to any of these questions then Flirting Manual is the solution to get you going with women.
This home study course will teach you how to become effective with words so you walk up to any woman anywhere and interact on the right footing.
No pickup lines or gimmicks!
Flirting Manual will teach you principals of conversation that make you stand out and get noticed.
It will teach you how to become natural with conversation and be effective not just with women but everyone you talk to.
You will be able to communicate your message effectively and you will be able to make powerful impact on people with your choice of words and tonality.
Once you are done with this course you will be able to strike a conversation with any woman anywhere.
You won’t need any special routines or gambits to seduce women. This course will teach you how to generate attraction in the hearts of women irrespective of the topic of conversation and the venue where conversation is happening.
Whether you meet a woman at a bar, school, public library, shopping mall or train, you will have the confidence to approach and flatter her.
Most people will tell you that attraction happens not because of what you say but how you say.
Attraction happens as a result of subtle demonstrations of values and behavior that turns women on.
Until now, no one could demonstrate what this means but wait until you finish this course…
If you want to cast a strong impression on women you need to think of ways to cast your charm during interaction using verbal and non-verbal elements.
You need to know the non-verbals of communication that causes an emotional impact.
Once you understand and master the application of these elements you will become a charmer. Then the sky is the limit.
And this is exactly what I intend to offer in this course. My How To Talk With Women course will teach you:
- How to present yourself so women notice you and get curious about you.
- You will learn how to say and what to say at every step of the interaction and how to say it so women see you as a sex partner.
- You will discover foolproof ways to get sexual with women within minutes of meeting them. You will be talking about their bra and panties in the same amount of time that people take to get a woman’s phone number.
- You will have the exact formula on how to inject values into the most boring and lame conversation.
- You will have the skill set to have a blast out of the most mundane topics.
- Above all, you will be able to strike up natural conversations with women and say things that are part of your life and personality.
The list goes on and on and on. The bottom line is: If you want to learn how to communicate with women like a natural and charm them into having sex with you then you then you need this course period.
The course includes:
How To Talk To Women Workbook: This course also includes a workbook that explains the principles put to practice in the DVDs along with exercises you need to do to become master seducer.
The Book Of Routines. Even though I am not an advocate of canned routines, I have included a lot of original content for beginners to use as backup. The best part is that I have explained the process and principles behind every routine and story telling piece. This way you will be able to talk with women without thinking. You will be able to inject values in conversation irrespective of the topic.
Attract Women With Laughter E-Book: Finally I have an E-book that will teach you how to become funny in the context of seducing women.
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- The digital files are uploaded on PCLOUD
- 12-24 hours delivery time
- the download links expire after 7 days and need to download them
- to renew the download link after expiration have one additional fee $5 per product
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In Course exchanges we are sending credits only
The credits will be the same price as we can sell course
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- Because of the abuse of the refunds from many customers i don't accept refunds
- We accept only 1 time exchange with product of the same price
- if you done mistake on the exchangeable product i don't recognize it as your mistake
- Exchanges only 3 days after the payment of your digital product. (if abused again i will do it 1 day)
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