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LoveSystems – Social Circle Mastery
$97.00 Original price was: $97.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Category: PUA Seduction
Name Product: LoveSystems – Social Circle Mastery
Download Size: 1.20 GB
same course with:
Date Beautiful Women without Clubs, Bars, or EVER approaching a stranger again!
Start dating a girl in your social circle.
Bars and clubs (and restaurants, coffee shops, etc.) are great places to meet women, but it’s fact that most women date and hook up with men they are introduced to through their social circle. Know how to increase your social circle and improve your chances of dating within your social circle.
People rave about Social Circle Mastery because it’s the most “natural” way to meet and date beautiful women. You don’t have to approach strangers. You don’t have to memorize routines. You don’t have to be manipulative or lie to women. You don’t even have to risk awkwardness or embarrassment.
What you do have to do is understand how social circles work and how to turn them to your advantage. Every social group has its leaders – how did they become leaders? How do they stay leaders? How does someone join a group and rise to the top? How do dating and hooking up work within social circles? How can you manage your reputation without restricting yourself to just one woman?
However, friends aren’t just props to introduce you to women. Social Circle Mastery is about planning a LIFE. What kind of people do you want close to you? What would your ideal social life look like? Social Circle Mastery.
How would your life be different, if you could:
Meet a consistent stream of beautiful women without ever having to feel awkward or do a “cold approach” again?
Break into any clique or social circle you wanted, and rise to the top?
Turn “Friends” (and “Let’s Just Be Friends”) into girlfriends and friends with benefits, or get your ex-girlfriend back?
Be the alpha male of any group?
Have friends who regularly introduce you to beautiful women and give you access to elite social and professional opportunities?
For the first time, these skills are within ANY man’s reach.
A few years ago, two of the world’s top relationship coaches, Braddock and Mr M, developed a series of techniques to increase the social circle, break into any social group, and rise to the top.
At first they did this to get access to the most beautiful women, but soon realized they were onto something much more powerful – a complete system to get exactly the kind of social life you want and to date a girl in your social circle.
They began sharing their system at sold-out Social Circle Mastery seminars in London, Los Angeles, and New York (where they lived), but at $1,200 plus travel costs, these were out of reach for most men. (In fact, for the last couple years there’s been a big online petition asking them to record one of these famous seminars and sell it online.)
They went one better. No longer limited by how much someone could learn in a single seminar, they loaded the Social Circle Mastery Home Study Course with books, videos, audio, quickstart guides, on-screen directions, exclusive bonuses, and more.
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