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Love Systems – Breakup Survival Guide for Men



Name ProductLove Systems – Breakup Survival Guide for Men 
Size282 MB
AuthorNick Savoy

Has this ever happened to you?

Have you ever been in a tough breakup, or suddenly found yourself in a situation where splitting up hurt you more than you thought it would?

Are you, or have you ever been…

Heartbroken and feeling powerless?
Missing your partner like hell?
Engulfed in self-pity and frustration?
Totally confused about why she left?
Desperate about getting her back?
Unable make sense of the whole situation?
Depressed and beside yourself?
Lost and have no idea what you are going to do?
Living in a bad on/off-relationship?

Yeah, I know. Tough breakups, depression, longing and heartbreaks aren´t exactly topics that most men are comfortable talking about.

We like sharing our success stories and talking about how to land a hot chick a whole lot more than sharing our failures and talking about how we “just can´t get over this girl”.

But guess what? Whether we like talking about it or not, and whether it´s macho or not, it happens to most of us at some point in our lives.

It happens to even the biggest PUAs, Players and men who normally have their shit together. And if you have the courage to truly fall for and love someone, you also run the risk of getting your nuts caught in a bind. I should know – after all, it happened to me.

And it came as a huge surprise, not only to me, but to most people around me. Not only the breakup, but the heartbreak that followed.

My friends went “Wait, what? YOU are heartbroken over a woman??”, and many were left in disbelief when several months after the breakup, I hadn´t moved on. Myself included. In fact, I felt NOTHING made sense. I went thru most of the local pharmacy to even exist, and saw my daily rhythm, business, finances and overall well-being crumble between my hands.

Get smarter about your life, so you can be the best version of yourself!

I spent a lot of time doing research to find help in this crisis, to help me understand what just happened, and finding a way for me to move on. It took very hard work and extensive research to do so, and still I didn´t find answers to some of my most pressing questions. I knew of many other people who were in the same position as I was – and figured there would be thousands of others like us. So I decided to write this book. In it I share the many learnings and insights I gained from my own experiences – and those of hundreds of other cool and amazing people I have met in the process. I call these experiences, learnings and insights “Laws”, because for lack of a better word, they are just that; Universal laws of what works and what doesn´t when it comes to breakups.

Educate yourself! Learn the universal breakup laws! Take back your power!

If you know Love Systems even slightly, you probably know that there are certain dynamics and rules when it comes to dating, gaming and PUA. And you probably also know, that to most people and average frustrated chumps who HAVEN´T been on a    Love Systems Bootcamp, read “Magic Bullets” or learned from others on , picking up an attractive woman can be a complete mystery or simply something they perceive as impossible. Heck, most of us probably felt this way before we learned about Love Systems

However, even if you are just a rookie student of Love Systems and PUA, you understand now that picking up women is NOT about coinsidences or a matter of hit & miss. There is a system to it. A bunch of universal laws that dictate how people interact with eachother. And if you educate yourself about these laws, they will work FOR you instead of against you.

Just like gaming and dating has its own special dynamics and universal rules for success, so do breakups.

And just like gaming, most people don´t understand the laws. They keep doing things that FEEL right in the moment, or they repeatedly make mistakes even though it constantly gives them poor results. They end up being frustrated, bitter and sad – or spend much more energy and time getting over their ex than they have to.

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