LifeFlow® 10 – Extened 60 Min Version Meditation Course & Bonus – LifeFlow – Meditation 2.0



Hi, my name is Michael, founder of Project Meditation and I just wanted to personally thank you for taking the time to enjoy the FREE 8-Minute Deep Meditation you just listened to. Please feel free to share the meditation with your friends and family!

During the next 30 minutes as my way of saying thank you I’d like to give you 5 FREE advanced meditation audios worth $335 but first I’d like to ask you…
Now that you just listened to the 8-Minute Deep Meditation Do you feel more calm?… Relaxed?… Centered?

You should. And not just because you were listening to soothing sounds.

There’s something much more exciting and scientific going on…

It’s called brainwave entrainment, where your brainwave frequencies are safely synchronized to an intended state, such as relaxation, deep meditation, even sleep.
It takes 8 minutes for your brain to “sync up” to the frequency.
Then all sorts of life-enhancing, feel-good benefits are triggered at the cellular and chemical level.
And each minute you continue listening magnifies the effects even further.
LifeFlow Is A Multi Level Brainwave Entrainment System That Develops Your Meditation Skills Using Push Button, Advanced Tri-Wave Technology. Each Deeper Level Offers You Even Greater Benefits:
 Alpha Boosts Serotonin
LifeFlow 10 (the first level of the program) will gently guide you into the peaceful and relaxing Alpha brainwave state which boosts the production of Serotonin which is a calming neurotransmitter in the brain.
 The Schumann Resonance
LifeFlow 7 incorporates an amazing extra bonus of the Schumann Resonance. Allowing the cells to increase their immune protection, and decrease the absorption of depression-inducing chemicals.
 Reduce Stress Levels

The ability to learn, be creative, control moods, reduce stress, resolve unwanted behaviour patterns and increase intuition is greatly increased with LifeFlow 4.

 Produce Large Quantities of HGH
In the deepest meditative states within delta (found in the delta levels of the program) you will experience greatly reduced thoughts and a large production of HGH (human growth hormones) for optimum health, vitality and longevity.
 Problem Solving Abilities
Experience more and more lasting inner peace and happiness with the deep level of Theta found in LifeFlow 5, allowing you to have the solution to problems that you once believed were unsolvable.
 Better Sleep

Melatonin levels also increase with the deeper levels of the program which is a hormone produced by the pineal gland and helps to create restful sleep.

What Doctors Use Themselves & Recommend…

“I’ve been practicing meditation for 32 years, starting with TM in my 3rd year of medical school. I became aware of brain wave entrainment just over a year ago and came across LifeFlow while I was on level 1 of another programme.

The LifeFlow package looked like more advanced technology and cost less than the one I was using. I knew I was enjoying what I was experiencing with the other programme so I bought the whole LifeFlow series and I have never regretted that decision.
I use it most days and it is still a delightful surprise for me to enter the “zone” where my breath frees up and I literally bathe in the energy of life itself.”
Dr Darag Rennie MBChB
Stanmore Bay, New Zealand
I can report honestly that I can and do feel the benefits because there is something in all the LifeFlow meditations that is profound. For instance, a new meditation from LifeFlow is called “Classical Magic”. It is a grouping of wonderful classical music with the LifeFlow technology woven underneath it. I have found that this is great background music during patient treatments. Patients often go to sleep and tell me that they wake up feeling like they have slept for hours and that they feel deeply calm inside. I often do Craniosacral work and having the patient relax fully allows me to do my best work.
For those considering a meditation program but perhaps are skeptical, I think you will find that this program will allow you to go easily into meditation, find that deep relaxation you seek, see the visible results by looking in a mirror before and after meditation, allow you to release any stress or stressful situations without either effort or difficulty, and leave you calm and peaceful.
Dr. John D. Stickle
Santa Cruz, CA, USA

“I switched to LIFEFLOW after using another product that’s on the market. I was pleasantly surprised then thrilled as I could feel the vibrations penetrate my physical body. LIFEFLOW 10 seems to ground me to the earth.

What I find happening is that my personality “quirks” and dysfunctional behaviours seem to be coming up for review. So much so that at times it’s hard to feel what I’m feeling. I know there’s a deep healing going on and it feels like I’m seeing myself with new insight almost from someone else’s eyes. I’ve been humbled, but there is tremendous excitement as well.

I know I’m on a journey and somehow a deep teaching is taking place.”

Dr David Miller
Doctor of Chiropractic at Glanmire Chiropractic Clinic, Ireland
“Thousands of people around the globe are enjoying tremendous benefits from LifeFlow and I’m committed to making this system available to anyone who’s dealing with stress, emotional problems or for people who want to dramatically improve their lives. By changing your state, you can improve the entire quality of your life.” – Michael
After more than two decades of research and study in the fields of psychology, personal growth, meditation and brainwave entrainment, Michael understands clearly how individuals function through their own individual belief systems.
Michael’s main aim is to bring awareness to individuals and to help them discover how to change and improve their belief systems and enhance the quality of their lives, experiences, relationships, well-being and success.
Experiencing the unique state of restful awareness and inner peace achieved during meditation is something he believes should be available to everyone.
Now, thousands of people, worldwide are enjoying amazing benefits with his step-by-step course Discover Meditation.
“I was extremely pleased with the Meditation Course. I discussed some of the course with a friend of mine who was aghast! He had paid thousands of dollars to learn what I had learned for free.” – Rev. Dion Ward
In 2007 he launched his latest breakthrough product, LifeFlow which is revolutionizing traditional meditation, entrainment programs and astonishing meditators worldwide.
Receive 5 Advanced Meditation Audios Today Worth $335 – When You Start The 30 Day Free Trial…
Starting with the first level of the program, LifeFlow 10 will gently guide you into the peaceful and relaxing Alpha brainwave state perfect for meditation and deep relaxation. The Alpha state boosts the production of Serotonin which is a calming neurotransmitter in the brain.
The short & extended versions of the first level of the program LifeFlow 10. Choose between a 60, 40 or 20 minute LifeFlow session. This allows you to benefit from the amazing LifeFlow program in a way that is best suited to your lifestyle.
Your free ticket to a beautiful and peaceful destination. Climb aboard the Midnight Express, make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and deeply relax as you embark on an amazing journey to a beautiful and peaceful destination…
Optimal Learning: You will increase retention and learn with much less mental effort. This breakthrough track has been designed to gently guide you in to the alpha brainwave state commonly named by scientists as “The super learning state”.
Get the first level of the program
Normally $67
(As part of your 30 day free trial)
  •  Today receive 5 advance meditation audios
  • ​HUGE discount on deeper levels – Never seen before
  • ​Instant Access (No waiting/No physical copies)
  • ​We wont charge your card for 30 days
  • ​RISK FREE – Cancel Anytime
Today you will receive $335 worth of goodies for FREE…
Starting with the first level of the program, LifeFlow 10 will gently guide you into the peaceful and relaxing Alpha brainwave state perfect for meditation and deep relaxation.
Climb aboard the Midnight Express, make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and deeply relax as you embark on an amazing journey to a beautiful and peaceful destination
Choose between a 60, 40 or 20 minute LifeFlow session. This allows you to benefit from the amazing LifeFlow program in a way that is best suited to your lifestyle.
Discover a laser focused state of mind whenever you are learning or studying! You will increase retention and learn with much less mental effort.
After Your 30 Day Free Trial This Is What Your LifeFlow Membership Will Consist Of…
In 30 days you will receive $268 worth of goodies for $33…
(SHOCK OFFER) Normally $67 per month NOW 50% Off – Exclusive Offer Never Seen Before
As you relax and rejuvenate a few minutes a day with the deeper Alpha level of LifeFlow 9 you will be creating new neural pathways, feeling much calmer and experiencing all kinds of improvements in your daily life.
I have created the short and extended
versions of your LifeFlow 9 track
, allowing
you to choose between a 60, 40 or 20
minute LifeFlow session. This allows you
to benefit from the amazing LifeFlow
program in a way that is best suited
to your lifestyle
Amaze your friends and loved ones with your inspired fresh ideas and enhanced creative flair!Creative Flow has been precisely designed to gently guide you into the enjoyable and inspiring theta brainwave state associated with enhanced creativity.
In month 2 you will receive $233 worth of goodies for $33…
(SHOCK OFFER) Normally $67 per month NOW 50% Off – Exclusive Offer Never Seen Before
With LifeFlow 8 (the deepest of the Alpha levels) you will notice that it takes you less time to enter the peace within and this can be a great benefit to you if you have a busy life. The more proficient you become at entering a state of meditation, the more rapidly you reach your target state.
I have created the short and extended
versions of your LifeFlow 8 track
, allowing
you to choose between a 60, 40 or 20
minute LifeFlow session. This allows you
to benefit from the amazing LifeFlow
program in a way that is best suited
to your lifestyle
The first part of A Perfect Day. Take a break and transport yourself to another world where all your cares just melt away. Part 1 boosts your serotonin (aka happy hormones) so you feel even happier.
In month 3 you will receive $268 worth of goodies for $33…
(SHOCK OFFER) Normally $67 per month NOW 50% Off – Exclusive Offer Never Seen Before
LifeFlow 7 incorporates an amazing extra bonus of the Schumann Resonance. Laboratory research has shown that exposing living cells to the Schumann Resonance has the effect of “protecting” them from electromagnetic (EMF) pollution, allowing the cells to increase their immune protection.
I have created the short and extended
versions of your LifeFlow 7 track
, allowing
you to choose between a 60, 40 or 20
minute LifeFlow session. This allows you
to benefit from the amazing LifeFlow
program in a way that is best suited
to your lifestyle
Surprise Gift
In month 4 you will receive $233 worth of goodies for $33…
(SHOCK OFFER) Normally $67 per month NOW 50% Off – Exclusive Offer Never Seen Before
You normally only experience the Theta brainwave state during the REM stage of sleep. With LifeFlow 6 you can produce HGH and many other healing hormones, naturally and safely with a few restful minutes a day in the deep and beneficial Theta state.
I have created the short and extended
versions of your LifeFlow 6 track
, allowing
you to choose between a 60, 40 or 20
minute LifeFlow session. This allows you
to benefit from the amazing LifeFlow
program in a way that is best suited
to your lifestyle
The second part of A Perfect Day. Experience a deeper state of relaxation as you naturally produce hormones for both natural healing and feeling good so you can arrive home feeling and looking great.
In month 5 you will receive $268 worth of goodies for $33…
(SHOCK OFFER) Normally $67 per month NOW 50% Off – Exclusive Offer Never Seen Before
The deeper Theta brainwave state also produces anti-cortisol. This allows you to experience more and more lasting inner peace and happiness. The calmness of your mind allows the space for your gift of creativity to surface.
I have created the short and extended
versions of your LifeFlow 5 track
, allowing
you to choose between a 60, 40 or 20
minute LifeFlow session. This allows you
to benefit from the amazing LifeFlow
program in a way that is best suited
to your lifestyle
Surprise Gift
In month 6 you will receive $233 worth of goodies for $33…
(SHOCK OFFER) Normally $67 per month NOW 50% Off – Exclusive Offer Never Seen Before

LifeFlow 4 is the deepest of the Theta states. The ability to learn, be creative, control moods, reduce stress, resolve unwanted behaviour patterns and increase intuition is greatly increased with a few restful minutes a day in the deeply beneficial Theta states.

I have created the short and extended
versions of your LifeFlow 4 track
, allowing
you to choose between a 60, 40 or 20
minute LifeFlow session. This allows you
to benefit from the amazing LifeFlow
program in a way that is best suited
to your lifestyle
The third part of A Perfect Day. You’ll feel as though you’re floating in a warm bath of pure relaxed stillness as you naturally produce human growth hormones (HGH) vital for Greater muscle tone, Stronger bones, Less fat, Increased brain function and younger-looking, tighter skin!
In month 7 you will receive $268 worth of goodies for $33…
(SHOCK OFFER) Normally $67 per month NOW 50% Off – Exclusive Offer Never Seen Before
Becoming familiar and comfortable with the Theta states builds the foundation for you to consciously experience the deepest meditative states with greatly reduced thoughts. Within Delta you produce large quantities of HGH (human growth hormones) for optimum health, vitality and longevity.
I have created the short and extended
versions of your LifeFlow 3 track
, allowing
you to choose between a 60, 40 or 20
minute LifeFlow session. This allows you
to benefit from the amazing LifeFlow
program in a way that is best suited
to your lifestyle
Surprise Gift
In month 8 you will receive $298 worth of goodies for $33…
(SHOCK OFFER) Normally $67 per month NOW 50% Off – Exclusive Offer Never Seen Before
As you become comfortable and familiar with the deep recuperating Delta levels, you continue to produce HGH and Melatonin…Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland and helps to create restful sleep. The inability to sleep soundly can dramatically decrease the quality of your life and greatly speed up the aging process.
I have created the short and extended
versions of your LifeFlow 2 track
, allowing
you to choose between a 60, 40 or 20
minute LifeFlow session. This allows you
to benefit from the amazing LifeFlow
program in a way that is best suited
to your lifestyle
The 1st of the gamma tracks Awaken, once you’ve progressed through the LifeFlow program, you will be ready to experience a state of meditation that is so pleasurable, so calm and still, yet filled with sensations that are often difficult to describe to anyone who has never experienced it.
In month 9 you will receive $298 worth of goodies for $33…
(SHOCK OFFER) Normally $67 per month NOW 50% Off – Exclusive Offer Never Seen Before
You will now be able to experience the conscious state of the deepest Delta level LifeFlow 1 where deep recuperation and healing takes place.Having become proficient at entering into meditation at the various levels, you are now in a position to go back and more fully explore all those levels in detail, again, and again, and again…
I have created the short and extended
versions of your LifeFlow 1 track
, allowing
you to choose between a 60, 40 or 20
minute LifeFlow session. This allows you
to benefit from the amazing LifeFlow
program in a way that is best suited
to your lifestyle
Before this type of entrainment technology existed, Gamma brainwaves were weak and transient in normal brain activity. Gamma had primarily been achieved by highly developed meditators… Now through Nirvana, you can experience the elusive Gamma brainwave state!
Learn More About The Exclusive Bonuses Included In Your LifeFlow Membership…
FREE: Creative Flow Track – Enter a Flow State of Ideas and Creativity Instantly

This track is special. It’s the one track in this entire pack that brings you fully into the next deeper frequency range known as Theta.

Why do Theta brainwaves matter? Countless experiments, studies and EEG monitoring tell us that Theta brainwaves are highly present in our creative processes.
You can use the proven technology in this FREE Creative Flow Track to:
  • Help solve unfathomable problems
  • Flood your mind with fresh ideas for work or school projects
  • Unleash your hidden creative talents
  • Improve your test-taking skills, and more
The first time I listened to Creative Flow, I felt an influx of relaxation… I could literally feel relaxation hormones flood my system. The gradual subtle effects include a noticeable difference in my creativity and flow, my sense of humour, my way of thinking. I feel like I grasp the significance of things more easily. My strengths and gifts are more apparent than ever. I feel like a light being of enthusiasm and optimism. I wrote my first music album in years and am recording now in studio. I also picked up painting. My happiness and sense of well being and direction have greatly increased.”
Meniyka Kiravell
San Diego, California
FREE: Exclusive Bonus – 3 Part Entrainment Trio… “A Perfect Day”

Entrainment Trio… “A Perfect Day” – Three 20-minute Audio Downloads.

  1.  Midday Warmth (Deep 8Hz Brainwave Entrainment frequency)
  2. Afternoon Lake (Deeper 6Hz Brainwave Entrainment frequency)
  3. Dusk Rainstorm (Deepest 4Hz Brainwave Entrainment frequency)
Each track offers a different sound scape that places you directly in the middle of Mother Nature’s canvas of soothing sounds. For 20 minutes, you are taken to another place. A place without cares. No worries, no deadlines… and zero stress!
The clear, crisp sounds convince your mind that you are there, one with nature.
And each of the distinct, continuous Brainwave Entrainment frequencies will nourish your brain and caress your thought patterns into natural alignment. Each track conveniently takes you into a deeper state of relaxation and releases a different combination of Neurotransmitters and Hormones for both natural healing and feeling good.
You’ll feel as though you’re floating in a warm bath of pure relaxed stillness – leaving you refreshed and alert, almost as if you’ve slept for hours!
By the end of the day – having listened to all 3 – it will be near impossible to feel like your same old self.
These special tracks alone make this purchase a must-have, so get them now before this offer expires.
FREE: 2 Gamma Tracks – Awaken and Nirvana – Heighten Your Awareness, Expand Your Consciousness, Deepen Your Spiritual Connection and much more.

Once you’ve progressed through the LifeFlow program, you will be ready to experience a state of meditation that is so pleasurable, so calm and still, yet filled with sensations that are impossible to describe to anyone who has never experienced it.

This is the Gamma state. And before this type of entrainment technology existed, Gamma brainwaves were weak and transient in normal brain activity. Gamma had primarily been achieved by highly developed meditators… people who spent their lives cloistered in monasteries practising meditation and mental disciplines.
Now through Awaken and Nirvana, you can experience the elusive Gamma brainwave state, considered the “Jack of all trades” because it’s associated with dozens of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits, including:
  • Ecstatic Feelings of Love and Compassion
  • Deep States of Blissful Meditation
  • Feelings of “Oneness” and Spiritual Connection
  • Peace and Tranquility
  • Increased Focus, Insight and Learning Abilities
  • Regulation of Healing Hormones
  • Sharpened Present Moment Awareness
  • Sleep Enhancement
  • Decreased Anxiety and Fear
  • And much, much more
Each of these tracks nourishes you with 40 minutes of High-Definition audio, enhanced with Project Meditation’s exclusive Instant Tri-Wave Technology™ — delivering proven benefits through headphones or open speakers.
Receive 5 Advanced Meditation Audios Today Worth $335 – When You Start The 30 Day Free Trial…
Starting with the first level of the program, LifeFlow 10 will gently guide you into the peaceful and relaxing Alpha brainwave state perfect for meditation and deep relaxation. The Alpha state boosts the production of Serotonin which is a calming neurotransmitter in the brain.
The short & extended versions of the first level of the program LifeFlow 10. Choose between a 60, 40 or 20 minute LifeFlow session. This allows you to benefit from the amazing LifeFlow program in a way that is best suited to your lifestyle.
Your Free Ticket To A Beautiful And Peaceful Destination. Climb aboard the Midnight Express, make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and deeply relax as you embark on an amazing journey to a beautiful and peaceful destination…
Optimal Learning: You will increase retention and learn with much less mental effort. This breakthrough track has been designed to gently guide you in to the alpha brainwave state commonly named by scientists as “The super learning state”.
Your Free Ticket To A Beautiful And Peaceful Destination

Climb aboard the Midnight Express, make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and deeply relax as you embark on an amazing journey to a beautiful and peaceful destination…

With your purchase of LifeFlow 10 (the first level of the LifeFlow program) you will receive your free ticket to a beautiful and peaceful destination. You can deeply relax in First Class style and embark on an amazing journey where you will experience a deep sense of peace and calm. You will gain instant access to this MP3 audio track instantly upon receipt of your LifeFlow 10 order.

Thousands of people around the globe are enjoying tremendous benefits from the unique technology of the LifeFlow program and the Midnight Express has been specifically designed using the same premium technology.

I hope the Midnight Express brings Ultimate Stress Relief, more peace, good health and prosperity to your life.
Starting with the first level of the program, LifeFlow 10 will gently guide you into the peaceful and relaxing Alpha brainwave state perfect for meditation and deep relaxation. The Alpha state boosts the production of Serotonin which is a calming neurotransmitter in the brain.
The short & extended versions of the first level of the program LifeFlow 10. Choose between a 60, 40 or 20 minute LifeFlow session. This allows you to benefit from the amazing LifeFlow program in a way that is best suited to your lifestyle.
Your free ticket to a beautiful and peaceful destination. Climb aboard the Midnight Express, make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and deeply relax as you embark on an amazing journey to a beautiful and peaceful destination…
Optimal Learning: You will increase retention and learn with much less mental effort. This breakthrough track has been designed to gently guide you in to the alpha brainwave state commonly named by scientists as “The super learning state”.
We’re talking about $335 worth of advanced
meditation training and materials.
Because you’re getting the first
Get the first level of the program
Normally $67
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