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Last updated 1/2024
Duration: 10h49m | Video: .MP4, 1920×1080 30 fps | Audio: AAC, 48 kHz, 2ch | Size: 21.7 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
Duration: 10h49m | Video: .MP4, 1920×1080 30 fps | Audio: AAC, 48 kHz, 2ch | Size: 21.7 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
The simple, step-by-step guide in teaching you how to breakdance for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS
What you’ll learn
Teach you the complete foundation of breakdancing/b-boying.
Be able to create your own freestyle
Syncopate moves to music
Build confidence in your own dance ability
Over 40 Lectures for You To Learn
How To Dance For Beginners
Room To Dance
Be willing to make mistakes
Loves hard work
Always do your best
Learn how to breakdance in just 4 weeks with NO DANCE EXPERIENCE
Have you ever…
… wanted to learn how to breakdance like your favorite dancers in World of Dance but felt like you weren’t strong enough or the coordination to learn?
Would you like to learn how to breakdance but you feel like you’re too old or too shy to dance?
Would you feel excited if I showed simple breakdance moves, exercises, and routines that teach you how to dance AND get stronger in the comfort of your own home.
How does that sound/look/feel?
Well, you’re in luck my friend! In this course you’ll be learning the EASIEST moves to learn but LOOK hard so you look like you’ve been doing this dance for months.
If you’ve World of Dance or any amazing dancers like Kinjaz, Jabbawockees, Les Twins, they all started at the same place: THE BEGINNING.
I designed this course for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS. That means NO DANCE EXPERIENCE NEEDED.
Now if you’re ready and you’re excited to learn more about your course, let me give you a little taste.
How does that sound?
You excited? Good!
Here’s what I’ll be teaching you:
Daily moves that will help build your coordination and strength
Complex moves that are actually insanely EASY to learn.
How to stay on beat with the music.
Basic strength and flexibility exercises to make your body stronger for this dance.
Step-by-step exercises to start building your confidence in dancing.
The focus of this class:
You feeling good about yourself by learning basic dance steps that build your strength and coordination.
I take you through daily moves that are broken down to the finest detail so you can perform it in your very own home.
Whether you’re looking for moves to show off on the dance floor or moves to show off on stage, this class is perfect for you.
By the end of this class, you’ll be able to dance these moves with ease and feel confident in showing them off!
Can you imagine how learning how to breakdance will do for you?
Imagine in the near future how you’ll feel when everyone you know is surprised by the new moves you’ve learned and the confidence you’ve gained.
And that starts with you making a choice.
You’ve gotten a great idea of how the course works by now, and I hope you’re ready and feeling excited. Enroll now to get stared on your class.
Who this course is for:
For dancers of all ages
For people who are interested in breakdancing
For those who want to show off some cool moves to friends and family
For those who want to take their dancing to a new level
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The credits will be the same price as we can sell course
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- Because of the abuse of the refunds from many customers i don't accept refunds
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- Exchanges only 3 days after the payment of your digital product. (if abused again i will do it 1 day)
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