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Kezia Noble – Worlds Leading Female Pick Up Artist Megapack
English | avi | 720 x 544 | 25 fps | XVID 1113 kbps | Mp3 128 Kbps | 4.02 GB
Genre : Training
Are you sick of women being unresponsive? Do you want to make a strong and positive impact on any woman you like?
Are you tired of women not wanting to see you again? (Even when they give you their number)
Have you had enough of having dull uninspiring interactions with women you like?
Do you want to learn how to get SOLID number closes?
Do you want to make women become fascinated with you?
Do you want to stand out from the rest of the men without using cheap gimmicks?
Do you want a woman to feel she can trust you as much as people she has known for years?
If you answered YES to one or more of these questions then you are ready to master the art of deep connection.
The art of deep connection has not been covered nearly enough in the seduction community, especially to the level that it so rightly deserves. Us women believe that the few men who can see behind our masks, and see through the bravado that we choose to display, make far more of a positive impact than the countless men out there who are unable to get behind our masks or bravados.
Women automatically RESPECT the men who have the power and insight to accomplish this, and as most people know a woman must have respect for a man before she can be attracted to him. Getting behind the girls exterior shield is only the first step of achieving deep connection and even achieving just this single step can create some incredible results.
I have been teaching my students the art of creating deep connection since 2006 and here are just a few of the testimonials I have received from some of my students on the subject
I was having dull conversations with women, who looked bored usually within 10 minutes after all the light friendly banter had finished. I couldnt work out what the problem was. I tried learning conversation techniques such as creating multiple threads and so on, but still I was not able to make enough impact with the women I spoke to, and I was certainly not getting any solid closes. Kezia taught me the deep connection method, which was to say the least, astoundingly insightful, and made the female mind seem so much more easier to understand. Most importantly, after using the deep connection methods she taught me, I was finally getting the results I always wanted.- Pete
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