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MP4 + PDF | Video: 640×360 | Audio: AAC, 48Khz , 2ch | Duration: 13 hours | Language: English | 3.03 GB
Discover the SECRETS and SKILLS Jørgen Rasmussen uses to work with clients… perfected over the last 21 years! This online training is the entire footage captured from Jørgen’s first ever Psychological Illusion Model training that took place in London in May 2018.
The attendees who were there live not just went away having made some personal transformations but many have transformed the way they work with clients as a result.
“This is the stuff of genius” – John Grinder (NLP Co-Founder) in relation to Jørgen’s Book – Provocative Hypnosis
Imagine walking in the desert and suddenly you see a snake in front of you.Immediately, your heart begins to pound, your palms get sweaty, the mouth gets dry, and you have catastrophic thinking about being bitten.
Imagine that you are able to stop and take a closer look….and when you do so , you realize that there is NO SNAKE….it’s JUST A ROPE.
The moment you see that the snake is a rope it’s game over, you have seen through a psychological illusion and all those “real” physiological responses disappear… NOT through positive thinking… or from implementing complex strategies… but from simply seeing through the psychological illusion.Jørgen Rasmussen is convinced that what people call mental illness such as depression anxiety, phobias, compulsions, PTSD and trauma etc are mostly just variations of seeing a snake where there really is just a rope.
So the psychological illusion model of hypnosis and change-work is a systematic way of fusing thought experiments, hypnotic phenomena, games and stories to help people penetrate the illusions that are behind their unnecessary suffering.
So people don’t just consciously get the “oh it’s just a rope” they FEEL & KNOW it with a full embodied response!
“Worth every penny, Jørgen is not only a great instructor with unique material. He is also a great guy.” – Des Howden
Jørgen has worked professionally as an ‘agent of change’ for over twenty years, eight of those running an “impossibles practice”, seeing clients who hadn’t succeeded with ‘traditional approaches’ on a “NO CHANGE NO PAY” basis!
His work combines meditation, NLP (certified trainer), hypnosis and both western and eastern approaches to psychology.
He is the author of the books “Provocative Hypnosis” and “Provocative Suggestions” which have been hugely well received by other leading peers.
In fact, John Grinder (co-creator of NLP) says of his work… “this is the stuff of genius”!
Jørgen also worked for sixteen years as a reality based self defence instructor…
“Excellent 3 days. Packed full of powerful demos & Mindblowing Insights. Can’t wait to get back to work & Share this with clients” – Jayne Newman, Therapist
Over 12 hours of training (see course content below)
A variety of additional learning resources (downloadable PDF’s with ‘format outlines’, transcription and analysis of demo)
Facility to comment and discuss each topic with other online students.
Easy to navigate sections
Get Access 24/7 – Laptop – Smartphone – Tablet
“If you’re serious about NLP, Hypnosis and/or change work, you owe it to yourself to attend one of Jørgen Rasmussen’s seminars.”
Day 1
Opening Frames
The ‘Black Box’ Brain
Finding The ‘When’
Troubleshooting The ‘When’ & Further Tips
Pointing Towards ‘Thinking’
Levels Of Intervention & ‘Resistant’ Clients
Hypnotic Experiments For Insight
The ‘Burning Alive’ Experiment
‘Burning Alive’ Origins & Rethinking Anxiety
What Do Feelings Tell You?
Waking Up From Thinking
Day 1 – Q & A
Day 2
‘Feelings’ & ‘Intuitions’ Further Thoughts
Thoughts As Flavours & Red Flag Thinking
Getting ‘Surgical’ About The ‘Burning Alive’ Experiment
‘Willingness’ To Have The Experience
The ‘Past’ & The Reconstructive Nature Of Memory
Playing With Time – Finding The ‘Past’
An Additional Piece
Day 2 – Wrapping Up & ‘De-Hypnosis’
Day 3
Are You Conscious? & The ‘Walk Of Insight’
3 Meditations For Thought Recognition
Looking For The ‘Self’
Another ‘Name-It, Find-It’ Demo
‘Name-It, Find-It’ Details & Further Questions
A Guided Meditation & Closing Remarks
Bonus Material
The Sequence Of A Session
‘Burning Alive’ Experiment – Troubleshooting Webinar
“This has been a game changer for what I will use with clients but also for me personally. Very useful as an experience on top of the intellectual learning.” – Chris Calloway, Cognitive Hypnotherapist
“Right then – the way I work will never be the same again. I’m freed up to help change happen by doing less!” – Christine Black, Cognitive Hypnotherapist
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