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Jon Sinn – Automatic Approaching
$47.00 Original price was: $47.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Jon Remington – Much Harder Erections
$199.00 Original price was: $199.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Category: PUA Seduction
Name Product: Jon Remington – Much Harder Erections
Download Size: 40,3 MB
Author: Jon Remington
I’m Jon Remington, a male health advisor, researcher and coach. I’ve helped tens of thousands of men in over 100 different countries improve their sex lives and I’m pretty confident I can do the same for you.
Today I have a very good and enjoyable sex life, a strong libido and I never have any problems at all with my sexual performance.
But you should know that just a few years ago, I myself had serious erection issues which nearly ruined my life.
It all started when I was just 33 years old.
And I know you think this is a young age to have erection problems and guess what?
You’re right.
But now I understand something very important about having erectile problems that you need to know too.
One of the biggest myths about erection issues is that they happen to you “when you get old”.
And this is the biggest load of horsesh*t lies I’ve ever heard.
You see, since I became a full time male health advisor, I’m regularly contacted by older guys of 60 and 70 years of age, who still give their girl a proper pounding several times a week.
They still bring her to shuddering, powerful climaxes..
They are constantly horny and thinking about sex..
And they can shoot a bucket load of sperm.
All because they follow some awesome unique killer techniques of firing up their wood that I teach them.
So you can take a deep breath and relax because these male health issues you have aren’t really related to your age at all, as the government funded big pharma propaganda manifesto tries to make you believe.
They’re related to your sexual health.
And that is something that can be improved in days, or in weeks.
Unfortunately For Me It Took Me A Year Or Two To Work Out How
A few years back I had a hot, gorgeous girlfriend. Michela, her name was.
She was Italian, with a voluptuous firm body, and a real cute face.
And she was constantly horny.
When we first got together we’d be at it every day, sometimes 2 or 3 times a day.
We’d regularly make excuses to disappear to the bedroom for a good long session.
You’ve probably had times like this yourself..
When you can’t keep your hands off of each other.
You make any excuse to get each other’s clothes off.
What was awesome with Michela was that she’d have these powerful, riproaring vaginal orgasms.
And if I did it right she’d have several in a row.
Then she’d be like a kitten the next day.
Devoted to me, constantly attentive to anything I wanted.
These were good times!
Although, after just 18 months of awesome, mindblowing sex, something strange started to happen.
Michela was feeling particularly horny one night as I’d been tired and working late for the past 2 nights and she was a woman that needed regular servicing if you get me.
This particular night, after a good round of foreplay, we moved to penetration and started pumping away, as usual.
And after about 5 minutes, to my horror, I could feel my wood fading on me.
“Keep going”, I told myself. Just ignore it and it’ll get hard again.
But it didn’t..
Michela eventually stopped gasping with pleasure as she felt the hardness dissolve inside her.
Cutting off her direct line to pleasure.
“I must be tired” I said, pulling out.
“Had some worries with work, must be that..”
But It Wasn’t A One Off..
Because a week later, it happened again, and again.
Until I got to the point where 4 times out of 5 I would lose my erection during sex.
It affected my confidence so much I became completely paranoid and scared of getting into bed.
I even blamed her a few times, accusing her of disrupting my concentration, or putting me off!
And I still feel awful about doing that.
But mostly I was scared she would leave me, or cheat on me with someone I knew.
After all, she was a highly sexed woman, and if I couldn’t satisfy her, you could be sure she’d find another man who would.
And who could blame her?
We all need good sex right?
I’ve always maintained that good healthy sex is 50% of a relationship.
And I knew that if she wasn’t getting it from me, she’d find it elsewhere.
She’d find someone else.
And Find Someone Else She Did
In the end I just let her do it.
And you know what, even though it was humiliating and embarrassing..
Even though it knocked my male ego.
Shattered my confidence.
I somehow found the will to be grateful for it.
I just thanked God it wasn’t a friend or someone I knew..
And heartbreaking as it was to give up on this hot, voluptous girl, I knew that it had to happen this way in order to “shock” me into getting better.
From our deepest despair come our greatest successes..
As long as we remain strong.
So once I’d licked my wounds I decided I’d fix this once and for all, forever.
I Resolved That I’d NEVER Lose My Erection Again
And this is what I did..
You see, you’re reading this because I’m one of the lucky ones.
Most people work in an office, or in a business that has nothing to do with male health.
I work in the sports supplements industry and nearly every day I meet experts in sports science, human biology and physiology.
That was my unique advantage in overcoming the affliction we’ve come to call erectile dysfunction.
I made the most of my situation and my resources at work and started investigating every single possible cause and solution for erection problems – and I’ll show them to you in just a minute.
I tested the effectiveness of many natural products; I studied the effects of different types of physical activity on the male body, analyzed fluctuations in sexual hormones and uncovered the harmful products in food that can be hazardous for your erections. I spent a lot of time evaluating the countless studies on the subject.
I was very surprised by what I discovered and I’m sure you’ll find it very interesting, too.
I discovered that when you eliminate these 5 erection hazards from your life completely, you’ll experience immediate surges in libido, your erections will power up firmly for much longer, you’ll start producing thick wads of sperm..and getting back the sexual confidence you had in your early 20s..
5 Erection Destroyers You MUST Eliminate In Order To Get Back The Good, Powerful Hard Wood You Deserve
Without Pills, Drugs or Pumps or Surgery, Using 100% Natural Techniques
Doctors only ever told me I needed to take pharma pills to get proper wood again..
As if it was the permanent solution!
Did they think I was stupid?
Taking a pill for the rest of my life, depending on it, like a weak junkie.
All that for a fake erection!
This made me furious..
How could they think we’d be so damn stupid?
I was blown away when I finally understood that ED is totally reversible..
Blown away with ecstasy that is..
And what I found after months on end of arduous, endless research was the following.
If you want to have naturally strong and long-lasting erections, you absolutely must eliminate the root ‘barriers’ of your erectile problems, which are:
1. Estrogenic foods:
You know what estrogen is don’t you?
It’s the master female hormone.
The one you’re supposed to have in small quantities in your body for optimal performance.
The feminizing hormone that is now flooding a typical 30+ year old man’s testes..
According to a study, the average American 55 year old man has more of this than a woman of the same age!
And why?
The biggest culprit for most of us is what we put in our mouth every day..
Take soy for example. It’s now present in a crazy amount of supermarket goods (read the ingredients next time you go)..
Thanks to its powerful lobby SoyJoy and their influence on The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, it’s even forced itself onto our Food Pyramid!
These products have crept almost undetected into over half of the food you can find in supermarkets these days..
Yet countless studies reveal that it’s a testosterone destroyer..
In one study conducted 99 infertile men, the conclusion was that the guys whose consumption of soy was higher had the lowest sperm count.
2. Chemicals in plastics:
A study in China found that men who work in factories where plastic wrapping is manufactured suffer from sexual dysfunction 4 times more than the average man..
Exposure to some of these products such as BPA and a couple of other chemicals in plastics can cause sexual dysfunction, testicular atrophy and even micro penis in young men..
These plastics are everywhere, in bottles, packaging and even on receipts.
One study has proved that BPA, a product in plastics is linked to delayed puberty in young men..
3. Weight Gain
I’m not even going to ask you if you’ve noticed the crazy increase in obesity that’s taken place since the late 1970s..
And if you didn’t think this was directly linked to erection problems then you’ve been sticking your head in the sand..
Because at one point that weight gain is gonna negatively impact your hormones, your internal organs, your blood circulation and your heart health..
And these all correlate to your wood..
A study in 2002 proved the direct link between excess weight and impotence..as if it needed proof..
And even having a small gut can lower libido and reduce erection strength..
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