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Joey Yap – Feng Shui for Homebuyers: Mansion [1 DVD – 1 MP4]
English | Size: 595 MB
Category: Taoism / Daoism
English | Size: 595 MB
Category: Taoism / Daoism
Discover how to improve career, achieve success, gain wealth, find love and improve health
Did you know that just as you have positive directions based on your Life Gua, your property also has a House Gua that determines the various good and bad sectors for your home? Are the bad sectors in your house really unusable? What then can you do with these ‘negative’ sectors?
In this comprehensive DVD program focusing on the House Gua applications of 8 Mansions Feng Shui, best-selling author, leading Feng Shui Master Trainer and Consultant Joey Yap will show you how to go about applying the the various House Gua techniques to your property and combine this with your personal Life Gua.
Discover how to determine your House Gua based on the direction of your property. Learn advanced theories on how you can quickly tap into the various good sectors of your home and make the most of the bad sectors.
Joey Yap will also share with you the effects of the various sectors of your home, different types of Qi and how it affects you. This specially filmed DVD has exclusive video footage, illustrations and a step-by-step guide on how to effectively apply the various techniques of 8 Mansions Feng Shui to your home.
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