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Joe Weider Bodybuilding Training System
6.25 GB
Weider Health and Fitness is releasing for the first time Joe Weider s Bodybuilding Training System: the most complete and best-selling bodybuilding training instructional video series ever created on DVD to do muscle building training and nutrition right. Now, with more people than ever in the gym doing resistance training, the DVD format enables bodybuilding, fitness and sports enthusiasts a chance to benefit from this most comprehensive instructional series. For over seven decades, the legendary Weider System has been the secret of champion bodybuilding athletes throughout the world. The rock-solid, time-tested Weider System has led millions of men and women to successfully train to build muscle and strength for bodybuilding, strength sports and fitness. This multi-DVD collection brings together fitness experts and the biggest bodybuilding stars; all the great athletes of their time at the peak of their careers. The Mega DVD Edition includes appearances and one-on-one instructional presentations from Joe Weider and a cast of famous champion IFBB bodybuilders and sports medical experts. It also includes a bonus system guide, nutrition log and training log on CD-ROM. This is your chance to train like never before! Joe Weider s Bodybuilding Training System is not available in any store, nor in any other DVD collection. 4 DVDs, plus 1 CD-ROM. Features 10 training sessions, packed with nearly 6.5 hours of comprehensive bodybuilding training information ,Featuring Joe Weider and 47 IFBB champions and fitness experts who teach and demonstrate the Weider System, 90 exercise demonstration and routines, 4 full-body workout programs, 46-page System Program Guide, complete with a Weider Dictionary of important terms, perpetual training log to plan and track your workout and nutrition programs.
Session 1. Introduction: The Weider System, Session 2. Basic Bodybuilding Techniques, Session 3. Back & Biceps, Session 4. Chest & Triceps, Session 5. Legs & Shoulders, Session 6. Detail Training: Calves, Abs & Forearms, Session 7. Mass & Strength Training, Session 8. Nutrition & Diet, Session 9. Advanced Training: The Weider Principles, Session 10. Training Safe & Smart.
Note: The video will end abruptly which is intentional.
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