Jeff Chan  Legendary Tactics Course
Couther striking is the focus of this mini course which is delivered in video format in 4 parts.
Part 1 – Counter Striking techniques
Jeff provides video of 43 counter striking techniques against a variety of attacks including:
- Countering against an advancing opponent
- Countering the lead left
- Countering the right hand
- Countering rear kicks
- Countering push kicks
The 43 counters are delivered in quick fire succession in a 20 minute video with voice over from Jeff.
The best thing about all of these counters is that Jeff shows real fight and sparring footage with application of the counter.
Part 2 How to Anticipate the Counter
This 6 minute video section discusses how to fight against the counter fighter.
This video goes over anticipating the counter. It will make you more aware of common counters and the potential for being countered each time you attack.
Jeff gives instruction on the tactics used by Saenchai, Dominic Cruz, Cody Gabrand and others as the attack and anticipate the counter from their opponent.
Jeff also provides real sparring and fight footage of himself applying these tactics.
9 examples of anticipating the counter by elite fighters are discussed in this section.
Part 3 Counter the Counter
In this short 2 minute video provides sparring footage of application of countering the counter including the ‘bait and counter’.
Part 4 Using Fakes
In this 6 minute final video, Jeff goes over using fakes.
The point is to get your opponent to react and defend against your feint.
Tactics include raising your knee to fake a teep and the opponent to drop their right hand to defend the teep, then attacking with a lead hook and rear kick.
Jeff provides great video instruction on 15 feint-attacks and real time sparring footage.
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