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English | Size: 599.20 MB
Category: Tutorial
This product is called Extreme Stamina. It is a program designed for men who have trouble with premature ejaculation (this material will also help you avoid those shaming experiences where you lose your erection right when you are about to have sex with a woman because you created a self fulfilling prophecy in your mind, this is discussed in one of the video modules). While most of us think of guys with premature ejaculation as being “two pump chumps” or guys who can’t last longer than 2 minutes, Jason Julius defines a man as having premature ejaculation if he can not easily and consistently last at least 20 minutes during sex, which is probably about how long you will need to give a woman an orgasm (or multiple orgasms) during sex. It is also designed to give men bigger and better orgasms by strengthening their PC muscles (the muscle that is used to stop the flow of urine). It will also help you to avoid those psychologically scarring moments where you experience erectile dysfunction right when you are about to have sex or are currently in the act of sex. I know of no other program on the market for this issue that is anywhere close to the quality of this program.
Jason Julius writes that this program has “lead to thousands of guys adding 20, 30, and even 60 minutes onto the amount of time they can last during sex. In the 1940’s, Conventional Wisdom was that Premature Ejaculation occurred if a man ejaculated within 2 minutes of penetration. Yet today more and more women are expecting men to last much longer than 2 minutes! In fact, If You Can’t Easily Last At Least 20 Minutes Consistently During Intercourse, You Risk Leaving Your Woman Unsatisfied And Constantly Searching To Fulfill Her Sexual Needs Outside The Relationship even if she doesn’t admit it or realize it consciously. It’s like a Primal Hunger that will NEVER subside until she finds herself in bed with another man, even if she’s not that ‘type’ of woman. Yet the tips I’m about to share with you, will transform you from an ‘average chump’ who cums right when it starts to feel good, into her personal ‘love stallion’ that she can’t get enough of and brags to her friends about how ‘gifted’ you are. How to finally gain full control over your orgasm NATURALLY, without throwing your money away on dangerous pills that don’t work, or numbing creams that make sex boring. And learn how you can have BIGGER and BETTER orgasms without having to master anything complicated like Tantra, or having to channel mystical Chakra energies around your body Guys, if you’re looking for the REAL TRUTH about lasting longer during sex then look no further. Extreme Stamina is a method I developed from over two years of modeling men who are successful at lasting at least 20 minutes during intercourse. In this course I divulge all the things you MUST do in order to gain full control over your own orgasm. You’ll also discover how to have more powerful Male Orgasms that shoots harder and farther, equaling a much more pleasurable sensation for you! Women take longer to orgasm than men, so it’s important to be able to last as long as needed in order to give her an orgasm during intercourse. In Extreme Stamina you’ll learn how to use the ‘Ejaculation Control Triad’ system to do just that. My Ejaculation Control Triad system is ONLY found in Extreme Stamina.”
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