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Interesting Talks – Sam Jones on The Psychology of Authentic Body Language
$92.00 Original price was: $92.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Category: PUA Seduction
Name Product: Interesting Talks – Sam Jones on The Psychology of Authentic Body Language
Download Size: 1.15 GB
I believe the large majority of body language information available is either impractical or over complicated. Who really wants to be thinking about every tiny detail, especially when the details are misaligned to you as a person!
Instead I offer you a better solution. The gap in effective body language success is not knowing, but knowing how to implement these strategies uniquely to you. And that my friends is what this talk is about. We will look at not only a fresh take on how to use your body effectively, but we will look at how YOU are going to implement it differently to everyone else.
1. My #1 Body Language Secret No-One Will Tell You.
2. Why Is Body Language Imperative To Personal Impact?
3. Strategies To Start Applying It In Your Life Now!
4. Your #7DayChallenge.
Sam Jones
Sam Jones is the Impact Coach. He has worked with 100’s of men and women to make more
impact in their professional, private and love lives.
Sam’s warm and friendly persona compliments his no-nonsense approach to get you the results you deserve.
He has worked with businesses such as RCP and Skillpages, and has spoken a large public talks and seminars.
His purpose is simple: to give people their inner voice to communicate their unique potential to their world.
Interesting Talks – David Straker on Body Language 101
Do you know what other people are thinking? Do you know that they are feeling? Do you know when they are telling the truth?
The way we use our bodies sends a non-stop stream of information about us, including our subconscious and secret selves.
This session will give you the ability to better understand other people by reading their body language.
Topics covered will range from the basic shapes and ten common body patterns to complete clusters that indicate romantic intent, dominance and more.
We will also show how you can use body language yourself for subtle communication to impress and persuade others.
This will be an informative, useful and fun session, so do come ready to take the next step up!
David Straker, M.Sc, Dip.M, PGCE, FRSA
David Straker is an expert in psychology, communication and change, both for individuals and in business.He has managed, taught and consulted around change in large and small, private and public organisations, including Hewlett Packard, Airbus, BCS and the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority. He has also coached many people to help them be more successful. Uniquely, he is qualified and experienced in both the ‘hard’ process and systems side, as well as the ‘soft’ human and innovative side of business and change.
He has two master’s degrees, in business and in psychology, and is qualified to use several psychometric instruments. He also has postgraduate qualifications in education and marketing and has done significant other training. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a member of the Society of Authors. He is also the Media Relations Honcho of the London Eccentrics’ Club.He has written six books on business, innovation and change, the latest of which is ‘Changing Minds: In Detail’.
Interesting Talks – Matt Kendall on Social Engineering and Practical Psychology
It is rare that the best person for the job is promoted, that the most suitable romantic partner is chosen and some people just seem to get away with everything. Why do you often take an instant like or dislike to someone without even speaking to them? The answer is social engineering and practical psychology.
When you know how to get along with people, life becomes your playground. Have you ever wanted to learn more about why people are the way they are and how to get more of what you want? When you start to learn about human behaviour you can start to have great influence both socially and professionally.
It isn’t the smartest and best people who get to the top, it is those who know how to get along with others! In this talk we are going to take a practical look at several areas of social engineering and practical psychology. Not only will it be interested, you are going to learn a lot that you can implement in everyday life.
• Why first impressions count
• How to extrapolate huge amounts of information from the smallest of actions
• How to generate real rapport
• Why stereotypes save you a lot of time
• How to be popular and reputation management
• The role of social media and your online persona
• Social status, what is it and how to get it
• Group dynamics and identity roles
• Conflict management
• How psychology applies in dating
• How to get people to like you
Getting along with people, building real relationships based on trust and having a great reputation will get you everywhere in life. This talk promises to not be politically correct, it will break many social norms and some people are likely to be offended. Fun times!
Matt Kendall
From an early age Matt understood social dynamics and had a huge interest in psychology. Since his early 20’s Matt has run businesses and studied persuasion and influence skills, which has made him a natural marketer.
Matt has set up and managed a range of businesses, from band and club promotion through to business networking. Matt is a trained Hypnotherapist and specialises in social anxiety. For 4 years he worked as the head dating coach at Europe’s biggest dating skills company for men, he also worked at a female dating company for a shorter period of time.
Theory is not Matt’s thing! He is a very practical person. In all the talks, workshops and trainings he delivers he ensures that those attending will leave with a practical skill set and not a “mindset”.
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